Chpt. 2

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Audrey's POV

"Hey, Padme!" I say, walking into the room where she was standing. Qui Gon had gone to get Obi-wan and Anakin, he had told me to go find the senator.

"Audrey! What are you doing here?" She asks, smiling.

I shrug, "I've been assigned to protect you with Obi-wan and Anakin." I explain. 

The door hisses open and I hear Jar Jar give a welcoming shout. I see Qui Gon, Anakin, looking unusually nervous, and Obi-wan, his blue eyes kind and sparkling.

No. I order myself. He's just a friend. "It's a pleasure to see you again, M'lady, " He says, stepping forward.

"It's been far too long, Master Kenobi," She agrees, turning to Anakin, her eyes widening. "Ani? My goodness, you've grown." She says admiringly.

I roll my eyes as Anakin draws himself to full height and says," So have you, grown more beautiful I mean. For a senator, I mean," He stutters, failing to regain his tongue. I do my best to not burst out laughing, and I could see Obi-wan rolling his eyes at Anakin's desperate flirting.

Padme laughs a little, "Oh Ani, you'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine." 

I give Anakin a quick nudge in the shoulder, and he looks up, just realizing that I was here too. "Nice going," I whisper sarcastically.

"Shut up," He says, annoyed. We all take a seat and begin discussing the security.

"We're here to protect, not to start an investigation," Obi-wan was saying.

"We will find who is trying to kill you, Padme, I promise." Says Anakin at the same time. I see Obi-wan shoot him a disproving glare.

"We will not exceed our mandate, my young padawan learner." Says Obi-wan annoyed. I shoot Anakin a warning glance that he ignores.

"I meant in the interest of protecting her, Master." Says Anakin.

"We will not go through this exercise again Anakin." Says Obi-wan, rubbing his temples. " And you will pay attention to my lead."

"Why?" Asks Anakin frustratedly.

My eyes widen in shock, and I glace over at Qui Gon who was frowning. I had never argued with Qui Gon like this before.

"What?!" Asks Obi-wan, sending a deadly stare at Anakin.

"Why else do you think we were assigned to protect her, if not to find the killer? Protection is a job for local security, not Jedi! It's overkill, Master. Investigation is implied in our mandate."

I open my mouth, about to contribute to the argument, but stop when Qui Gon gives me a look.

"We will do exactly as the council has instructed," Says Obi-wan, his voice deadly quiet." and you will learn your place, young one.

Padme shifts, uncomfortable, "Perhaps with merely your presence the mystery surrounding this threat will be revealed." She says, "Now if you'll excuse me, I will retire." She gets up and walks away.

Qui Gon speaks to me, "I should be going," He says.

I nod, "Be careful, and may the force be with you." I say.

He smiles, "May the force be with us all, he nods to Obi-wan and Anakin and gives me a quick hug. "Remember to pay attention to your visions, and contact me if there are any problems," He says.

I smile, "I'll be fine." I tell him.

He nods and walks out the door.  Obi-wan and Captain Typho discuss the security, and I listen to Anakin talk about Padme to Jar Jar.

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