Chpt. 3

338 6 1

Audrey's POV

Anakin and I jump into a yellow speeder, Anakin flying. "Over there !"I yell, pointing to where Obi-wan was falling, Anakin dives, catching him just in time.

"What took you so long?!" Pants Obi-wan hanging onto my shoulders. Too late, I realized that we had jumped into a two-seater.

"Oh, you know, Master. I couldn't find a speeder I liked. With an open cockpit, the right speed capabilities." Answers Anakin in what I hope was a sarcastic tone.

"If  you spent as much time practicing your saber techniques as you do with your wit, you'd rival Master Yoda as a swordsman." Says Obi-wan over the noise of speeders.

"I thought I already did!" Says Anakin.

"Only in your mind, my very young apprentice." Was Obi-wan's answer.

I roll my eyes at their conversation. We continue to pursue the speeder, and they pull into a dive, Anakin following them.

"Anakin pull up!" Says Obi-wan, a hint of panic in his voice.

I laugh, as Anakin ignores him and continues to dive. Qui Gon would kill me if I did this I thought, amused.

"ANAKIN!" yells Obi-wan, as Anakin pulls up last second, " You know I hate it when you do that!"

"Sorry Master, I forgot you don't like flying." Was Anakin's teasing response.

I glance at Obi-wan in surprise," You don't like flying?!"

"He looks uncomfortable, "I don't mind flying, but what your brother is doing is suicide!" He yells, as we narrowly miss getting hit by another speeder.

The speeder twists and turns, trying to shake us off, but nothing worked. We were starting to gain on them until they shot a power couplet, causing voltage like lightning. 

"Anakin!" Shouts Obi-wan, "What have I to-" He was cut off as we were all electrocuted, slowing the ship down. "That was good says," Obi-wan sarcastically.

We continue to chase the speeder until it goes in between two buildings, but instead of following, Anakin keeps going straight.

"Where are you going?!" Yells Obi-wan, "He went the other way!"

"Master, if we keep this chase going, that creep is going to end up deep-fried. Personally, I'd very much like to find out who he's working for. This is a short-cut. I think..." He says uncertainly.

Anakin turns a sharp left and pauses.

"Well, you've lost him." Says Obi-wan angrily, folding his arms.

"I'm deeply sorry, Master," Says Anakin distractedly. I could tell he had a plan.

"That was some shortcut. He went completely the other way!" Grumbles Obi-wan, "Once again, Anakin yo-"

He was cut off, "If you'll excuse me," Says Anakin, jumping out of the speeder and landing on the one we were chasing.

"I hate it when he does that." Mutters Obi-wan.

I grin, "I love it."

Obi-wan hops into the driver's seat and follows the speeder, where we could see Anakin struggling to hang on. I see a his blue lightsaber ignite, and fly out of his hand, towards us. I catch it, and give it to Obi-wan.

He frowns, "I swear thats's the fifth time he's lost it, " He grumbles.

I smirk, knowing that Anakin was getting a lecture after the chase. I see the speeder start crashing, and Anakin sliding off. Obi-wan lands the speeder, and we both jump out, running towards Anakin.

"Anakkin!" Shouts Obi-wan, gaining my brother's attention.

"She went into the club, Master!" He yells, beginning to run to the entrace of a club.

"Patience, use the force. Think." Was Obi-wan's response.

"Sorry, Master," apologizes Anakin, starting towards the club again.

"He went in there to hide, not to run." Says Obi-wan.

"Yes, Master," Says Anakin.

Obi-wan takes out Anakin's lightsaber and hands it to him," Next time try not to lose it. This weapon is your life." He says sternly.

Anakin takes it and says, "I try, Master."

I give Anakin a sympathetic glance. He shrugs and whispers to me almost proudly, "This is the fifth time I've lost it."

I smirk, "I've heard."

We walk into the club behind Obi-wan, "Why do I get the feeling that you two are going to be the death of me?" He complains.

"Don't says that, Master. You're the closest thing I have to a father," Says Anakin apologeticaly.

"Then why don't you listen to me?" He inquires, looking around.

"I am trying, Master."

"Can you see him?" He asks both of us.

I shake my head, "I think he is a she, and she is a changeling." Says Anakin.

Obi-wan looks surprised, "In the that case, be extra careful. Go find her," He tells Anakin.

"Where are you two going?" Asks Anakin curiously.

"For a drink." Was his response. I shrug at Anakin and follow Obi-wan.

We walk to the bar and get two shots. "You wanna buy some deathsticks?" Asks an alien standing next to me.

I frown, "You don't want to sell me deathsticks," I say, waving my hand, using the force.

"I don't want to sell you deathsticks," Repeats the alien.

"You want to go home and rethink your life," Says a voice from behind me.

Obi-wan grins as the alien walks away. We both take a sip from our drinks.

"So, how's your training going?" Asks Obi-wan, starting a conversation,"Qui Gon can be pretty tough sometimes."

I smile as our conversation continues, no one had ever been able to make a conversation that could make me laugh so much. No. I tell myself, realizing what I was feeling. I am a Jedi. I can't have attachments.

There was a slight pause, as though Obi-wan had come to the same conclusion. Then I felt it. The changing was getting closer. I glance at Obi-wan, who gives a slight nod. He could feel it too.

I sense the changing take out her blaster, about to pull the trigger... Qui ck as a flash, I ignite both of my lightsaber, one slicing off her hand that was holding the blaster, the other pointed at her neck. Seeingthat she was no longer a threat, I put my lightsabers away and help Obi-wan get her outside.

"Jedi business, go back to drinks," Orders Anakin, seeing the entire club was still staring at us.

We get the Changling outside and set her down.

"Do you know who it was you were trying to kill?" Asks Obi-wan.

"A senator from Naboo," She says through gritted teeth.

"Who hired you?" I ask giving her an icy stare.

"It's just a job," She grunts, looking away.

"Who hired you? Tell us." Says Anakin, his voice dangerously soft.

The chaglling says nothing.

"Tell us now!" Yells Anakin.

She gives in user our hard stares, "It was a bounty hunter called-" A dart is shot directly at her neck, and she slowly returned to her changlling form, and died. We look up in time to see a man fly away with a jetpack.

Obi-wan takes the dart and looks at it," Toxic dart." He says, surprised. I sigh. This was going to be a much longer mission than I had thought.

Then a vision hit me hard. I slam into the alley wall, hitting my head. NO. I ignore Anakin and Obi-wan's worried shouts. NO. I sprint towards the nearest speeder, and speed towards the Jedi Temple, ignoring the pain in my head.

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