Chpt. 5

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Audrey's POV

I see Qui Gon, his head stained with blood and his robes scarlet. "No!" I shout, "Qui Gon! Please..." He looks at me, his eyes blank...

I wake up panting. "No..." I mutter, sitting up. I rub my eyes, remembering what had happened last night. I sigh. Instead of going back to sleep, I decided to meditate. A few hours passed, and I checked the time. Might as well get ready for the council meeting. I thought, reluctantly fixing my hair and trying to look like I hadn't been crying all night.

"Hey," Says Anakin, when he walked beside me, outside the Council chambers. "You okay?"

I shrug," I've been better."

Obi-wan arrives too. I glance at him. His hair was fixed, and he looked alright, but I could feel waves of sadness radiating off him.

The Council doors open with a hiss, and we step inside. I feel an unusual sadness in the air, different from the sense of purpose that I usually felt when surrounded by the Jedi Masters.

We all bow promptly to the Council. Obi-wan explained what had happened with the changeling, and the man that had shot her.

Master Yoda frowns, "Track down this bounty hunter you must, Obi-wan," He says

"More importantly, find out who he's working for," States Master Windu.

"What about Senator Amidala?" Asks Obi-wan, "She will still need protecting."

"Handle that, your padawan will," Says Master Yoda, nodding.

"Anakin, escort the Senator back to her home planet of Naboo. She'll be safer there. And don't use registered transports. Travel as refugees." Adds Master Windu.

Anakin looks up at hearing his name being called he nods, "As the leader of the opposition, it will be difficult to get Senator Amidala to leave the capital." He states.

"Until this killer is caught, our judgement she must trust." Says Master Yoda.

Master Windu nods in agreement, "Anakin, go to the senate and ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her."

Anakin nods," Of course, Masters."

Master Windu glances at me," Audrey, Qui Gon's last wishes were for me to continue your training."

My eyes widen a bit. The Master Windu was going to train me?! I nod mutely, unable to speak.

"For now, assist Obi-wan hunt down the bounty hunter and then we will discuss your training." He says.

I nod respectfully, "Of course, Master." It'll be nice to have something to keep me busy. I thought

The three of us bow and exit the room. Anakin left to speak with the Chancellor, so Obi-wan and I were alone.

"You should get some rest." He says, looking at me," You look horrible."

I roll my eyes, almost smiling," I'll be fine."

He shrugs and says, "You have a few hours of free time before Anakin leaves. You might as well go relax." 

"Okay." I say, " I'll head to the archives and do a little research about the bounty hunter."

A few minutes later, I was surrounded by books, a computer beside me, all about bounty hunters and changelings. I stretch, my head aching. "I need a break." I thought out loud, standing up.

I went to the gym, deciding to work off some negative energy. I take out my lightsabers and see that Qui Gon's lightsaber was still clipped to my belt. Master Yoda had given it to me last night. I stare down at it. I put one of my lightsabers back and use Qui Gon's instead. I went through the usual strikes with my lightsaber and Qui Gon's, and let the force guide my hands in a well-practiced routine I had done with Qui Gon. Qui Gon. I stop, feeling a sharp pang in my chest. I missed him so much. Using his lightsaber felt like he was guiding my hands.

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