Chpt. 9

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Audrey's POV

We watch in amazement as countless Jedi ignite their lightsabers all around the arena. The Geonosians were all flying away in fear. I hear pounding steps, and my eyes widen as I see thousands of battle droids marching into the arena all holding blasters.

The Jedi charged, and the battle began. I could see the burred movements of lightsabers, and many droids getting chopped. Master Windu was now on the ground, and he passed me and Obi-wan our lightsabers. 

"You might want this too," He says, handing me Qui Gon's lightsaber. 

I jump off the Reek, "Thanks." 

Master Windu runs into the center of the battlefield and began deflecting blaster bolts. Obi-wan frowns at Anakin who had not been handed his lightsaber.

"What happened to yours? " Obi-wan asks, frowning.

Anakin turns red. "Broke it in the droid factory." He says shortly.

"Here, use mine." I throw him one of my cyan lightsabers and ignite my other one and Qui Gon's in my hand,  jumping into battle.

I deflect laser bolts and chop droids in half with both my lightsabers, soon becoming weary and tired. I glance up and see the Acklay standing right behind Obi-wan, about to attack, "Watch out!" I yell, running over and chopping one of its legs off.

"Thanks!" Pants Obi-wan, chopping off another leg and dealing with the final blow.

We stick together after that and deflect shots back to back. Before I knew it, the remaining Jedi were being herded into a small circle. The droids all lower their weapons as they realized that we were outnumbered. I see a few Jedi on the ground injured and check his pulse. Dead. Around me several Jedi lay on the ground, unmoving. I stand up and step beside Master Windu and Obi-wan, still shocked at the number of dead Jedi that lay on the ground.

"Master Windu," Addresses Count Dooku from his place on the balcony," You have fought gallantly worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi Order. But now, it is finished. Surrender, and your lives will be spared."

"We will not be hostages to be bartered, Dooku." States Master Windu definitely.

"Then, I am sorry, old friend." Says Dooku, with no regret on his face.

The droids all raise their guns at us, waiting for the signal to shoot. I narrow my eyes and swing my lightsabers. I wasn't going to come down easily. Obi-wan steps cautiously in front of me and I glare at him. I could defend myself! Just as Dooku was about to signal to start shooting, Padme points up.

"Look!" She shouts, hope in her voice.

Several gunships were flying towards us. My eyes widen in surprise when I recognize the clone armour from Kamino. The droids immediately start shooting at the gunships which started to shoot gigantic lasers back. Before I knew it, I was back to deflecting lasers and chopping droids in half.

"Audrey! Come on!" Shouts Anakin, running onto a gunship with Obi-wan.

I turn my back on the droids and run-up to the gunship, jumping on. I deflect the later bolts that come our way, and we fly off.

"Hold on!" Says Obi-wan, as the ship starts to rock. 

"Aim for the fuel cells!" I order.

The clone obeys, and I watch as they blow up. "Good call Audrey!" Praises Obi-wan. I feel my face turn red and I smile.

We near the battlefield where we could see countless Clones advancing and red and blue lasers flashing everywhere.

"Attack those federation starships!" Shouts Obi-wan. 

Our gunship continues to fly, occasionally shooting something or dodging explosions. "Look over there!" Obi-wan points to some speeders racing past us.

"It's Dooku." Says Anakin angrily.

"Shoot him now!" I order, trying to not let my rage take over.

"We're out of rockets sir." Responds the clone.

"Then follow him." Says Anakin.

Padme stares at us, " We're gonna need some help!" She says, worried.

"There's no time." Says Obi-wan," We can handle this." He gestures to me, Anakin and himself.

The gunship continues to follow Dooku, and there was a sudden bang on the side of the ship. I see Padme slipping on the edge of the ship and I take her hand, trying to pull her back up. The ship shook, skidding over a sand dune, causing me to lose my balance and fall off the ship.

I hit the ground with a thud, and meet darkness.

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