Chpt. 10

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Audrey's POV

I slowly open my eyes, sitting up, "Are you all right?" A clone runs over to me.

"Yes," I say, rubbing my head. Everything was spinning. Then I remembered, "Where's Padme!?"

"She's over there, someone is seeing to her." He responds.

"Get her to a transport," I order. I feel warning bells go off in my head. Anakin was in trouble. "Get me a separate transport and get some medical transports to that hanger," I add, pointing to where Dooku had probably gone.

The clone obeys, and he points me to the closest transport. I power full speed to the hanger. I enter the hanger just in time to see Anakin get his hand chopped off by Dooku. 

"ANAKIN!" I scream, my eyes widening in horror. My brain slowly takes in the scene, Obi-wan was on the ground with his leg and arm sliced open with Anakin on top of him, his hand missing. I frown when I see that the lightsaber that I had let Anakin borrow was sliced in half. At least the Kyber crystal was still in one piece.

Dooku looks at me in surprise. "You're going to pay for everything you've done." I snarl at him.

He smirks arrogantly, "I doubt that. You're physically and mentally exhausted. You can't do any real damage to me now."

I realize that he was probably right, but I gave no sign of it. He takes out his red lightsaber and smiles at me. I take out my lightsaber and Qui Gon's and ignite both of them, gathering the rest of my strength, I leap and strike him with my lightsabers. The duel was like a deadly dance. One wrong move and you were dead. I constantly switched between Ataru and Soresu, striking left and right. Suddenly, Dooku stopped duelling and took out his hand. He shoots blue force lightning at me, catching me off guard, and knocking away one of my lightsabers. I do my best to block the lighting with my one lightsaber, but I was too tired. I was slammed into a wall, and I groan, holding my head and struggling to remain conscious.

I hear footsteps, and I sense Master Yoda approaching. I narrow my eyes, my vision was blurry. I could see the faint outline of Master Yoda. I hear them talking but I was too weak to make out their words. I crawl towards Obi-wan and Anakin who were both still unconscious. As my vision cleared a bit, I saw flashes of red and green. Master Yoda and Count Dooku were duelling. I focus on keeping myself conscious in case I could help, and suddenly, the sound of clashing lightsabers stoped. I hear a big creak, and my eyes widen as Dooku uses the force to push a machine towards us. I close my eyes and hold it up with the force, my arms trembling. I pant, the effort was too much, I couldn't hold it. Before my brain could protest, I passed out.

"Is she going to be aright?" I hear a familiar voice.

"She should be coming around soon, sir." The sound of a medical droid.

Slowly opening my eyes, I sit up, "Audrey!" Obi-wan smiles at me softly in relief.

"What happened?" I croak, smiling back.

"Well, Master Yoda saved us and took us back to the Temple." He starts.

"What about Anakin?!" I demand interpreting him.

Obi-wan grimaces, "He's getting his robotic arm." 

I close my eyes. Poor Anakin, "What happened to Dooku?" I ask.

"He got away," Obi-wan tells me.

Growling softly under my breath, I curse. None of this would have happened if it hadn't been for him. I start to stand up unsteadily, causing Obi-wan to frown.

DecisionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora