Good Mornings

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Sokka POV

"Sire! Sire!" A man wearing a suit yelled running through the door. I almost fell off my stool due to him startling me. I was getting tailored, getting a suit made for my coronation.

"Please barry, do not call me that."

"Well as king-"

"Not yet Barry, so until then you will just call me Sokka."

"Yes sir," I let out a sigh at his over use of formal titles. "We have found you multiple wives for choosing. As heir to the throne you must take a wife before becoming king."

"How old?"

"16, 15, and 16."

"No. I am 21, I will not take a wife that is not of proper age. I have agreed to take a wife for the sake of the kingdom, but I will be doing it my way."

"but sire, you have been in the season for years now, and you have turned away every woman, you will have to take a wife this season whether you like it or not."

"I am fully aware of that Barry, but I will not take a wife that is not at least 18."

"Yes sir." Barry walked out the large doors. The tailor took the measuring tape away from my hip and walked over to my suit.

"All done sir."

"Thank you." I set down some money for him and started for the library. Walking down the halls I looked at the pictures that lined the halls. The portraits of all the great chiefs before me. I stopped in front of the great chief Hakoda. His portrait was perfectly painted. It was inside of a gold frame, attached to the brown wood wall.

"I hope I make you proud dad." I missed him. He was a great dad, and a great chief, a great leader for his people. I continued to walk to the library where I met Katara.

"Sokka! There you are, Daina told me that you wanted me to meet you here." I nodded my head. "What do you need?"

"Katara, I hate to do this, but as princess you must marry, I have found you a groom."

"W-what? No! Sokka, Aang is my groom!"

"Im sorry Katara."

"NO! I love him! Please! You can't do this! I will not marry anyone that is not Aang. I refuse!"

"That's good to hear." Aang said coming out from behind her.

"Aang? What are doing here?" Katara looked back at me and I gave her a smile.

"Katara, my love, I came to ask you to be with me for the rest of my life." Aang took both of her hands and stared right into her eyes as tears ran down Katara's cheek. "I remember the day I met you. You were sitting by the frozen pond, and you told me how you would one day have to marry for the sake of a kingdom and not for love, you told me that you believe that someone out there is your other half, and that you would only feel right marrying that person. Well Katara, I believe you are my other half, and I want you to be mine for the rest of my life, and make me whole again." She stayed quiet in shock.

"Well what do you say?"

"Yes! Yes Aang!" She cupped his face and pulled him in for a passionate kiss.

"Oogies!" I yelled.

"Oh shut up Sokka." Katara said when they pulled away. Aang went behind her and put the handmade necklace around her neck.

"Sire!" Barry yelled running into the room. I sighed with his use of words.

"Yes Barry?"

"We have found you a wife. She is 18 soon to be 19, princess of the Earth kingdom younger sister of king-"

"Benjamin." I sighed and put my right hand on my forehead.

"Wait- thats-" Aang started.

"Toph's brother," Katara finished.

~Meanwhile at the Earth Kingdom Palace~

Toph's POV

"Good Morning Princess Toph!" I let out a grunt in return as Grace opened the curtains over my giant windows. "Aren't mornings just delightful? I know you can't see, but the sun just floats in the sky, it's a beautiful golden color, and it just glows on the rest of the earth. It's beautiful outside, the flowers are blooming, and the animals are roaming. Isn't spring just wonderful?"

"You know what's more wonderful? Sleep. It's great you should try it." I said before throwing the blankets over my head.

"Why sleep when you can enjoy a life that's right in front of you!?"

I threw the blankets off from my head confused at her odd behavior. "What has gotten into you?"

"What do you mean? It's spring! Happiness, kindness, love, it's in the air."

"Usually you drag yourself in here, shut the door behind you, crawl up on my bed and we end up falling back to sleep."

"Oh but Toph, today is different." She walked over to the entrance of my room and shut my door, then came onto my bed. "I met a man, a wonderful man, and he asked me to marry him! Im in love!"

I sighed. "He is gonna break your heart Grace."

"No Toph. He is different, he's not like the others."

"That what you said last time, and the time before that."

"I know, but I can feel it, this is real."

"Okay, sure."

"Speaking of marriage-"

"I know, today is the day, have you found one?"

"Ben told me that he wanted to tell you so hurry and get dressed." She left my room leaving me to get ready.

After I got dressed I went downstairs to dining room. "Toph, how did you sleep?" Ben asked me before taking a bite of his waffle.

"It was great until lovesick Grace came all happy merry like and disrupted my sleep." I sat down next to him at the large table, and started to eat some breakfast.

"Oh give her a break."

"Who is it?" I said with pineapple in my mouth.

"Always straight to business with you. He is a duke in the northern air nation."



"Nope, no way."


"I will not marry someone younger than me. I am agreeing to marry, but I will do it on my terms."

"Toph, there is only one more option, you can marry someone from the large selection that is younger than you, or you can marry, well, you can marry-"

"Spit it out already."

"You can marry the prince of the southern water tribe, heir to the throne-"

"Prince Sokka."

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