Falling for her

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Ight so some people were confuzled at which timeline this is and it is to clarify, 2019 (no covid) They just didn't use their phones yet. So yes this is modern, but it has like a twist of victorian era in it. They will sometimes use victorian slang, and maybe the outfits will be a lil victorian. (Sorry if that wasn't how you wanted, no going back now)

This chapter has mature content

Sokka's POV

The blind girl crawled onto me, legs on each side of mine, wearing the lingerie she had sang in, the night before, getting ready to please me. She kissed my lips, then my cheek, then my bare chest, going down to my...

"Toph!" I screamed in pleasure.

She came back up to my ear, her mouth only inches away. "Tell me what you, want me, to do, to you Sokka. Sokka. Sokka."

I couldn't even respond as she kept on saying my name. "Sokka!" The voice yelling at me had become more clear and realistic. "SOKKA!" Aang yelled shaking me. My eyes shot open.

"What!?" I looked around to see the boys in front of me they were all laughing expect Ben who just had his hand over his mouth.

"You were talking in your sleep." Zuko said.

"You were moaning in your sleep. Toph's name." Aang said holding back his laughter.

Oh god. "I can't believe you've done this Sokka." Ben said.

"I CAN'T CONTROL MY DREAMS!" Yelled defensively. "Tell me you have never had a dream about Katara or Mai."

"I have, but we aren't denying that we like them." Zuko responded.

"I mean we are both engaged." Aang agreed.

I sighed obnoxiously and covered my face with my right hand.

"Just get dressed it's time for breakfast." Alex said slapping the back of my neck.

"No! That's bullshit! Aang is hot!" Katara defended. We were sitting at the long dining room table eating our breakfast listening to Katara and Mai fight over whose fiance was better looking. I was zoned out thinking about the dream I had prior. What did it mean?

"Have you seen Zuko? Compared to Zuko, Aang is a stick!" Mai exclaimed.

"I'm sitting right here!" Aang said throwing his hands in the air.

"Sorry bud, she's just stating the facts." Zuko responded.

"I am deeply offended Zuko."

Toph leaned over to me and whispered into my ear. "Is this a conversation they have on a daily?" Act aloof. I told myself.

"Well Mai and Zuko aren't usually here, so it's just Katara ranting to me about how cute her lil boyfriend is."

"How annoying."

"Tell me about it."

"You know what would stop them from talking?" She asked leaner closer to me.


"If I kissed you." My face went red at her suggestion and my heart sped up. "Just kidding." She said with a giggle. She was playing with me.

"WHY DON'T WE PLAY A GAME?" Toph yelled making everyone go quiet.

"I was wondering when they were gonna shut up." Azula said.

"Okay, Diana your the judge, whoever has the best pickup lines gets to pick what we do today."

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