The big room

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Sokka's POV

"This the last day me, Ty, Azula and Mai will be here." Zuko stated.

"Right so we should do something fun." Ty lee said.

"We already said we would do a binge-watch." Toph said.

"Okay, but what one first?"

"I say we watch Slenderman first, and then we watch the other movies to lighten the mood." Mai pointed out.

"Okay." Katara said as she turned on Netflix.

We had a nice little set up. We used a projector so it looked cooler, and we had a bunch of pillows and blankets on the ground, as we sat in front of Katara's bed. We had snacks and drinks while we watched. On the far left was Aang and then Katara, Ty lee, Azula, Mai, Zuko, then Toph and Me on the far right.

There was a lot of jump scares, but because Toph couldn't see she didn't get scared. Katara, Ty Lee and Aang screamed, while Azula and Mai stood pretty still. Zuko covered his eyes and I snuggled with Toph.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as a snuggled back into Tophs arms.

"Your such a baby snoozles."

"Okay so which movie now?" Zuko asked when we finished slenderman.

"I say Hamilton." Toph says pushing me off her and sitting up straight.

"Hamilton is like 3 hours." Rae points out.

"We can do it! We have all day." Ty lee exclaimed.

"I don't know.." Katara says.

~3 minutes later~

"Alexander Hamilton. My name is Alexander Hamilton."

"WHOOOOOOO!" Toph and Ty lee screamed.

"AND THERE'S A MILLION THINGS I HAVEN'T DONE!" Toph continued to scream.

"But just you wait, just you wait." Aang echoed.

"Why are you singing?" Zuko asked.

"Lighten up ZuZu." Azula teased.

~An hour later~

"Cause he's been kickin' ass as the ambassador to France"

"Who?" Zuko asked.

"Shut the hell up the best person is coming up." Toph said.

"You simply must meet Thomas, Tomas!"


Toph hit Zuko. Hard. "Shut up."

"Ow." He said touching the place she had hit.

"France is following us to revolution,"

"God, I can't see him, but I can tell he is hot." Toph sighed.

"He is." I turned to Katara who was staring at the T.V.

"Your taken Katara." Aang reminded her.

"yea, yea, but I'm just saying if I wasn't taken-"

"You are!"


Zuko turned towards Mai. "What do you think?"

"Eh, not a fan of men who sing. But yea he's hot."

Zuko eyed Jefferson. "Not as hot as me." He muttered to himself.

I laughed and looked back at Toph. She was messing with her dark, black, hair. She looked beautiful.

~40 minutes later~

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