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I opened my eyes to the bright sun shining onto my face. I was hugging onto something nice and warm. When I looked down I saw Jinho sleeping soundly beside me.

That's when I realized I wasn't in my bedroom. The room was way bigger than mine. Everything looked so clean and brand new.

No way, Is this Jungkooks home?

Jinho was clinged onto me like a koala. It took me some time but I gently freed myself without waking him up. It was so cute to see him sleeping with his plushy.

I didn't forget about what happened yesterday. That was so embarrassing, I literally jumped onto him.

I shouldn't be embarrassed thought since it's not my fault I have such a phobia but it is.

I went to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror.

Wait, I'm pretty sure I wasn't wearing a hoodie and sweats.

Did he change my clothes?

Maybe it could have been a maid or some female who works for him right. He wouldn't do it, or maybe he would. Fuck I didn't realize how tired I was last night.

I washed my face a few times and went back into the room. Jinho has just started to wake up.

"Aunty" he said still half asleep, rubbing his eyes

"Good morning dear" I walked over to him with a smile. His one of the cuties kids I've ever seen.

He rolled over the huge bed to reach me. He stood up and hugged me "I'm still tired"

I giggled at his cute morning voice. He seemed to be already asleep on my shoulder.

I picked him up, wrapping his legs around my waist. I then walked out the door.

I wondered the place while I was on the way downstairs when I heard noises. It was coming from the kitchen.

I walked over still holding onto Jinho to see Jungkook cooking.......shirtless

I gasped cause I didn't expect him down here.

He turned around "oh good morning"

I tried not to make eye contact with his abs and looked anywhere else but him "morning"

I placed Jinho by the counter, still half asleep. Jungkook proceeded cooking breakfast.

"Sorry about yesterday" I apologize

"You don't have to be sorry" he said while plating the food

"Ahh you want help" I asked , I felt like I was a burden

"No , I'll manage"

I nodded glancing at his back muscles for a split second before looking away. I rubbed Jinhos back to kinda get him away "Jinho get up now"

Jinho rubbed his eyes "fine"

I couldn't help but giggle. I helped him down and he went back up stairs so he can brush his teeth.

"How was your sleep?" Jungkook suddenly asked once Jinho ran up.

"Emm good" I reply simply, It was so awkward. I was literally in my Ex's house, and the fact his also my boss.

His house is huge, like huge. I might be is the CEO of a well known company but like WTF?

Jungkook was always rich, even when we were in collage. He lived in a huge flat back then but now a whole big mansion. His so bloody rich it's nuts.

I was quite overwhelmed by all of it.

Just Then was when I remembered "emm Sir?"

"Hmm" he hummed

"Who changed my cloths last night?" I asked quite nervous for his reply

"'Me" he said in the most blunt way possible like it was obvious

"W-What?!" I was taken a back by his reply

"Yeah, you hear me. Chill though, I didn't look"

I sigh

He placing the food by the counter then whispered into my ear "it's not like I haven't seen you naked, remember"

Fuck that gave me the chills.

I started to blush without realizing. Jinho came running down sooner enough though.

After lunch
"I'll wash the dishes" I offered grabbing all the plates to clean

"No it's fine I'll do it" jungkook grabbed it off me


"Jinho, go show Aunty your room"

"Ok" Jinho then pulled me with him up the stairs

"So this is Appa's room and this is my room" he pointed at the two room and brought me inside his

"This is my room but I sleep with Appa most of the time. I'm a big boy and I can sleep alone too" he clarified

The room was huge, there were so many toys and pictures. It was a really fun and colorful room. There were a lot of photos of Jinho with Jungkook.

I looked at all of the cute photos while smiling. It brought me back to the Jungkook in Collage. The happy and playful Jungkook who loved me.

The walls were filled with paintings that Jinho had probably made when he was young.

"This is me and Appa's hand clay" he showed me their hand prints in clay "Appa says when I'm older I'm going to have big hands like him"

I smiled "you sure are"

But what made me confused was the fact there were no pictures of his mother. Only pictures with Jungkook and his other family members like Jungkooks parents , friends and cousins.

I don't think I should ask about it but I was just so curious and I wasn't going to ask Jungkook "Jinho, if you don't mind me asking where is your mom?"

Jinho's facial expression changed quickly from a exited little kid to a sad , lonely expression.

Maybe I shouldn't have asked "You know what never mind-"

"I don't have parent" he suddenly spoke out

"What do you mean Jinho, you have Jungkook"

"But his not my real Appa, I'm adopted. I don't know where my parents are. They didn't want me so they put me up from adoption" I saw a strong he was, the way he didn't shed a single tear while speaking.

I rubbed his back "Don't say that"

"It's ok though, because they did that I got an amazing Dad. But still no mother, Appa doesn't like when I mention about my mother. Can you be my mother Aunty?" I was shocked at his question

"Baby I-I"

"Please, please can I call you my mommy? Appa said I can only call you Mommy if you give me permission"

I was worried on what Jungkook would think if he called me Mommy but If his ok with it "you can call me Mommy if you want to"


I nodded "you know Jinho, your so lucky. In fact I'm an orphan myself. But the difference between you and me is that. You got adopted by an amazing Appa who loves you dearly, while I was never still to this day. But I'm old now and I don't need parents so I got out of my orphanage"

"Oh No that's sad" Jinho made a frowny face "I don't want my Mommy to be sad"

"Don't be, Mommy is not sad anymore. Mommy has you by her side now" I hugged him

"Your right Mommy , I'll always be by your side and protect you"

We both giggle together

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