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"Then what happened" Yuna asked curious

"We didn't talk to each other in a while, it was upsetting but that's what Irene suggested. It was horrible, I missed him so much. Irene even convinced me to go clubbing with her a lot. When this one night....."

I was sitting on the couch eating pizza while staring at me and Jungkooks photo. I held onto my necklace he gave me at our first date.

"Maybe I should call him" I thought and got my phone

The door then knocked. Who was at my door at this hour? It was lashing outside too.

I quickly went to the door and opened it when Irene ran inside soaking wet

"Hey you ok?" I asked closing the door

She stayed silent, I went to get a towel and glass of water "here"

"Y/n sit down" she patted me to sit

I did as she said "look , this is not going to make you happy. I really don't want to see you hurt Y/n. I love you so much"

"Hey what's the matter?" I was getting a little worried

She sigh "well today I saw Jungkook kissing another girl in the club"

"what!?" I shouted

"Yeah I didn't believe it either but I saw it with my own eyes Y/n. I was going to take a picture for you but then he carried that bitch into one of the VIP private rooms. You know I can't go there"

"No, No this can't be he wouldn't . You probably saw someone else" I tried defending him in deep hopes

She shook her head "I believe my eyes don't lie. They were at light I saw his face Y/n" she walked up to me and patted my back "I know it's hard. But you need to know. That's why I ran all the way here in this rain"

Irene held both of my hands making me look at her with my teary eyes "Y/n please think about it. Why has he been avoiding you all this time. Was there a reason? Was the reason this? Y/n I don't want to be the reason tearing you guys apart but-"

"No! You are not the reason for this. You have all your rights and if what you saw is what happened then I believe you. Irene you're my everything, we've known each other since high school I trust you with my whole life....I can't believe he ignored me for this. Why couldn't he just tell me to my fucking face and break up with me"

"Maybe he doesn't want to hurt you" Irene said

"His hurt me enough, I can't believe I was going to call that mother fucker" I picked up my phone and texted him

I didn't think you would do this to me. If you wanted to break up then break up in front of my face

We are over


I went to my bedroom and started packing "Y/n what are you doing?" Irene asked

I got my suitcase and filled it with my books "I'm leaving, I'm going to visit my orphanage and live somewhere there instead"

Tears ran down my eyes "I can't believe I thought I'll marry him"

"Y/n what don't leave"

"Don't stop me, it won't work. If I see him again. I don't think I would handle it" I packed

I was angry, sad, depressed and anxious. All I could see was his fucking face. My walls were filled with our memories.

His gifts, cards and pictures. I could even smell him in here. I got a box and put everything oh I meant everything he had given me. Even photo frames of our dates. A scrapbook I made for his birthday next month.

I said goodbye to Irene. I knew it was fast but I had no choice. I drove to his flat and gave the box to the receptionist "give this to flat number 17"


"Then I left never to return again until now"

"Wow, that's fucking shit. Where are your friends now?" Yuna asked

"Remember Jimin, Jungkooks friend. We'll I met him in Busan. He was lived there, since we knew each other before hand. We bonded quickly, I didn't tell him about Jungkook at first but I had to in the end. Jimin has been my lifesaver. He forced me to come back to Seoul. I worked part time with you until I got dragged into this job"

"The rest?"

I shook my head "I don't know, I hear Irene moved to Australia. I haven't been in contact with my other friends. It's truly my fault, I didn't pick up anyone's calls thinking it was him. Even if I had left he was still in my mind. He still is though. Which is the heartbreaking part" 

Yuna patted my shoulder "Hey Chill, things will get better. You should have talked to him before though. Face to face maybe to clear things up rather than jump the gutter. I care for your happiness, and if that's torn apart from some misunderstandings. I won't stay back and watch"

"Trust me Yuna, It's not something like that"

"How come your so sure. Did you see him kiss that girl"

"No Irene did"

"Why didn't you talk to him about his ignorance?"

"Because Irene said he needed space"

"Why did you block him?"

"Because I....no Irene told me to"

Yuna rubbed her forehead "who's this Irene?"

"No Yuna, I trust Irene with my whole life. She's my best friend, ever since High school"

"The where is she now, Austria? Who told you that?"

I thought for a moment "She mentioned it to me. She said she's planning on moving soon. I don't know her Australian number"

Yuna hummed "well I think I have something to check"

She walked away, I checked the time it was already past Lunch. I made my way quickly to my office .

Yuna POV
I had so many questions I wanted answers for. I didn't like seeing Y/n this way. If there is some sort of lie going on between all of this, I'll find it sooner or later.

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