Chapter 3- One Step Closer to Insanity

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I arrived to my soon-to-be high school. As I stepped out of the car, fear filled my entire body. This is too new. Sure, I'm glad I have Shrek, but he can only do so much for me. I had to deal with this obstacle alone, whether I liked it or not.

Shrek already caught up with his school friends, so I was left alone. I slowly headed towards the entrance. Three weird looking chipmunks got in my way.

"Look who we have here," the middle one said, with an "A" on his red sweater.
"I'd say we have a fresh meat in front of us," the tallest one answered.
The third and shortest one didn't say anything, he just smirked as the other two did the talking.

"Hey beautiful, my name is Alvin," said the red sweatered squirrel. "Welcome to Willy Wonka Chocolate High"

I cringed at the name. The first time my mom told me the high school I might be going to was called "Willy Wonka Chocolate High", made me want to stay at Tneedville even more...

"My name is Simon," the tall one with the glasses continued. "You can call me S, babygirl".

There's no way I'm going to call this weird looking rat creature "S". I would rather take poison than even be near them.

It was the short one's turn to talk. To my surprise, he sounded rather sweet, but not sweet enough for me to feel comfortable near him.

"Theodore," he said while saluting me with his right arm.

What the-

"I just wanted to let you know, sweetheart... we are the bad boys here. Having a fresh meat around is pretty tempting, and you're not even bad looking. Could be better though," Alvin said rolling his eyes. "We can show you around, mamacita".

"No thank you. I'm pretty sure I have the ability to walk on my own feet and direct myself around. Thanks," I snapped sharply, and walked away, like nothing happened.

"SHEESH," the trio said in unison behind me. "She a wild one," Theodore commented.

Once I stepped into the building, I laid my eyes upon something, I could've never imagined. He was so beautiful, I could've cried.

"Hey there," the beautiful creature faced me.

"Hi," I said while blushing.

"I wasn't talking to you".

"Oh, sorry".

"Did you really think I was gonna say hi to some random, that I haven't even seen??" The boy said with a confused demeanor.

"Uh- i- uhm," I stuttered because I felt so awkward, I couldn't spit out a word.

"I'm just joking, man. I'm sorry I scared you," he stepped closer to me. "The name is Ferb. Ferb Fletcher".

That was when I could take a better look at him. He had beautiful green hair. His drip was out of this world. He wore a pair of high waisted purple pants, with an incredible grey belt. His shirt had a yellowish tone to it. It was beautiful.

"I'm y/n. Nice to meet you," we shook hands as we both smiled. He pulled me in for a hug, which scared me at first, but his amazing smell calmed me down.

Once he let go of the hug, he asked "how come I haven't seen you around yet?"

"I just moved here less than a month ago," I answered, still a bit shy.

"Well, then welcome to Whoville. I can show you around, if you'd like me to".

"That would be great, thank you," I answered respectfully, unlike how I did with them ugly chipmunks.

It's nice to have somebody help you on the first day, especially if it's a godly creature, such as Ferb.

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