Chapter 5- Triple Trouble

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I kept hearing whispers behind me. It was Alvin. He was talking about me. I was sure about it. I tried to glance back every once in a while, and look at whoever he was talking to. Whenever I would do that, I would be startled. Alvin kept staring at me. It was awful. He wouldn't stop smirking. Once I even caught him winking at me. I tried getting my mind off of this whole scenario. Me being in a school full of weirdos. I don't belong here. I miss home. 

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked snapping me out of my train of thoughts. 

"Uhm, yeah," I tried brushing it off.

"Do you want to talk about what happened? I mean it's awful that Alvin would do something like that. I should go and talk to hi-"

"NO! Please don't. I don't want to make a scene on my first day of school," I said as fast as I could. 

"Alright.. I just want you to know that it won't be like this. I'm sure things will get better," Ferb said, as he patted my shoulder. 

"I hope so." 

"I know so," Ferb said while smiling. 

I couldn't help but smile as well. That's when the bell finally rang, I'm pretty sure I was the first one out. As I left the class, I saw Shrek. I ran up to him as fast as I could. I hugged him tightly and starting sobbing. 

"What's wrong, y/n?" Shrek said hugging me back. 

I told him about what happened in homeroom. He was shocked.

"These ugly rats need to be taught a lesson," he exclaimed.

"Please don't," I held him back. 

"Let me go," he yelled, pulling his arm out of my grip. 

I looked towards my homeroom's door. I saw Alvin standing near it, he was with the other two chipmunks now. Shrek was practically running towards them, and he was angry. I have never seen Shrek this annoyed, and I have known him for a long time. 

"Oi, you three!" Shrek yelled at the trio. "What is wrong with you? Why would you do that??"

He was now talking to one in specific. We all knew who he was talking to. 

Simon and Theodore were confused. They didn't know what was happening, but Alvin did. Surprisingly, he wasn't afraid. He should have been, since Shrek was a big guy, someone you shouldn't mess with because it'll have consequences. 

"What are you talking about, you overgrown olive?" Simon asked in a rude manor. 

"I'm talking about your druggy rat brother over there," Shrek answered pointing to Alvin. "He thinks he's an alpha male, when in reality I could snap him in half just by sneezing on him."

"Stop, Shrek!" I exclaimed as I approached the boys. 

"Oooh, Fresh Meat," Simon said as he hit my butt when I didn't pay attention.

"What the hell dude," Shrek snapped. 

"You can't blame us. Y/n is just so hot, even I'd like to take a bite out of this snack of an ass," Theodore said. 

"That's it," Shrek yelled as he punched all three of the musty rats.

I didn't want to stop him. I looked away because I couldn't watch my best friend beat them up. Even if they deserved it. Truth be told, the trio needed to know their place. It was only my first day, and I was already dealing with this stuff. I don't want this to be a routine day. I hope things will get better. I looked up at the three chipmunks and their noses were bleeding. They kept getting hit left and right. One against three, and Shrek was clearly winning, since the chipmunks were already on the floor. I heard buzzing. 

"What the-"

"Bee-Jesus! What are you guys doing??" A bee said from my right side. 

He had a black and yellow sweater, and a pair of black and white shoes. His hair was rather dark and pretty short. Once the bee saw what was happening, he gasped and mumbled something into his walkie-talkie. Next thing I knew, this tall man joined the group. He was very pale, and had a straight, black bob. He had black clothes with some sort of a chain around it, a light burgundy jacket, and a black top hat. He walked with a cane, even though he didn't need it. Once I realized who he was, I froze in fear.

"Good morning, Principal Wonka."

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