Chapter 6- Turning the Page

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"Hi! It's Willy Wonka, hah," the principal said. "What on earth is happening here, yeah?"

"Principal Wonka, thank beezus you're here. So basically-" Berry started, but he was interrupted.

"Principal Wonka, I can explain. I was here the whole time, Berry wasn't," I stepped forward.

"Alright, tell me."

I proceeded to explain what happened as thoroughly as I could, not leaving out anything.

"So these kids had a fight.... because of you?" The principal asked.

"I- I suppose, yes."

"Oh my goodness, they are bad nuts, aren't they?" Principal Wonka said strangely smiling.

"S- sure, you could say it like that." I said surprised at the principal's overly-positive demeanor.

"Well, what could we do with you five.." he started thinking out loud.

"Five?? Principal Wonka, y/n has nothing to do with this," Shrek joined the conversation.

"MUMBLER!" The principal yelled still smiling.

Shrek stepped back, letting everything run its course.

"So, I'll give you, y/n, a warning for now. It's your first day here, I don't want to put all this pressure on you, yeah," he said.

"Thank you, sir," I smiled at him.

It seemed as if he didn't like that, because his smile turned very forced. Even more forced than it already was.

"Alright now, you four. You're going to detention because it seems to me that you've been baaad nuts," he said turning to the boys.

"Oh boy," Alvin said rolling his eyes.

"MUMBLER," the principal yelled again. "Seriously, I can't understand a word you boys are saying."

I smiled at that, it was quite funny. The principal seemed to like me, since he smiled back at me.

"You'll be in detention for a day or two, depending on your behavior, which will obviously improve. Yeah," Principle Wonka proceeded.

"Sir, I don't think that's fair. I mean look at the situation-" Berry spoke, trying to make the punishment stricter.

"I'm sorry Berry, Mr. Wonka's being unreasonable," the smile seemed to be fading off, which scared all of us a bit. "Though, I'd love to chit-chat some more with you all, but time is a precious thing, I never waste it. I've got to go back to my office. The boys will have to report to me at the end of the day, for the detention slip. If you don't come, I'll have to notify your parents."
He then proceeded to walk away, rather quickly.

Oh boy. I got Shrek into trouble, I hope he isn't mad at me or anything.

"I'm sorry, Shrek. I shouldn't have gotten you into this," I said to Shrek, looking down.

"Y/n, this is not your fault. It's nobody's. If it's anybody's, then it's most definitely the chipmunks' fault. Let's be real, what they did to you was not okay. They had to be put to their place," Shrek said, smiling at me.

He always knew exactly what to say and do in these types of situations. I'm glad he's my best friend.

"Thanks, Shrek. I needed that," I hugged him.

"Ugh, you two should get a room. But only, if you don't want to get one with us three," Alvin said while his two brothers giggled next to him. It seemed as if it hurt for them to laugh, since they suddenly stopped chuckling, and their happy demeanor changed to a rather painful expression. One put his hand on his ribs, and took a few deep breaths.

"I think we should go to the nurse," Simon said, with a grimace on his face.

"Yeah..." Theodore said.
Poor guy walked with a limp. I'm pretty sure Shrek kicked his ankle at some point.

"Did you hurt yourself, Shrek?" I asked, turning to him.

"Oh, of course not. I actually feel better now. I made them behave," he said proud of himself.

We both laughed.

I had a few classes after, but nothing really interesting happened until I left the school.

"Hey, y/n," a familiar voice yelled to me. "Do you want to hang out today?"

I turned around, and I saw Ferb. A DATE???

"Uh- what do you mean by hang out?" I asked stuttering.

"You seem like an intellectual. I want you to meet my brother I think you two would get along pretty well," Ferb answered while looking sort of anxious. 

"Oh, sure thing. When would you like to meet?" My heart was pounding from excitement. This hot piece of meat wants me to meet his brother? 

After a minute of silence he said "how about at six tonight? You could have dinner with us if you'd like".

"That would be great! Thank you... I was scared this "morning about coming to school. I am very glad that I met you, Ferb"

"Me too, y/n," he smiled. "See you at six at my place? Here's my number, I will text you the adress."

He wrote some numbers on a piece of paper and left. 

I can't believe this. Ferb gave me his number. Maybe this school won't be as awful as I thought it to be... or will it?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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