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Ali's POV

Christen and I stayed the night by Laurens side. It was now the morning and we both barely slept, we were both so worried about Lauren.

"Hey guys," A faint voice came from the door, Christen and I look towards the voice and see Laurens siblings, Christina and Michael standing at the doorway. Christen says "hey" to them tiredly as they make their ways inside the room.

"How is she doing?" Christina asks as she comes to sit on the end of Laurens hospital bed.

"Yea she's doing good, she woke up yesterday after her surgery very tiredly and she's slept since. The doctors have said her vitals are good though," I tell her and see Christina nod.

The door to the room then opens again and we see the doctor enter the room, giving us all a smile before stepping into the room.

"How is she?" Michael asks the doctor, they both look exhausted and look like they haven't slept at all. I guess they have just gotten off a very long flight though.

"She'll be okay. However, we are putting Lauren on strict bed rest for a week and are going to keep her here just so we can keep an eye on her for the next two or three days. She has to take it easy though. No physical activity for at-least a month and try to limit out sugary foods for the next two weeks," The doctor says and I glance over to Lauren who's still asleep on the bed next to my chair.

"I'm very happy with her vitals though and she seems to be doing okay which is great after any surgery but especially heart surgery. She should be able to get back to soccer after three months if all goes well," The doctor adds and Christen and I instantly look at each other in shock, we weren't expecting Lauren to be able to jump back in right away but we sure as hell weren't expecting it to be three months! We share a shocked glance before glancing back up to Christina who just sighs and looks down at her younger sister.

"She's not going to like that," Christina says with a light hearted chuckle and I smile in response.

"I'll leave you too it then," The doctor says and gives us all a small smile before he leaves the room. The sound of the door closing caused Lauren to stir slightly and move around in her bed. I see her eyes start to flutter slightly as she slowly begins to open her eyes. We make eye contact with each other as she begins to properly wake up and we both share a smile with each other. Her eyes then dart around the room and land on Christina and Michael. She gives them a confused glance but a smile instantly breaks out on her face and they both go over to her and engulf her in a hug.

"Chris! Mike! What are you guys doing here!" She exclaims happily.

"You think we were just going to leave you alone in the hospital after our baby sister just had heart surgery?" Christina says, pretending to be shocked.

"We'll leave you guys too it," Christen says and I nod, following her out the door. We go to wait in the waiting room for Ash and Tobin who promised to bring us some clothes for the day.

Lauren's POV

"How are you doing Laur?" Mike asks as he sits on the chair Christen was sitting in before. Christina sits on the edge of my bed and rests her arm comfortingly on my leg.

"I'm okay," I tell him and give him a small smile.

"So, when can I get out of here?" I ask no one in particular. Christina just sighs at me and starts to rub her hand on my leg.

"Laur, they want to keep you here for another two or three days to keep an eye on you. But after that you'll be on strict bed rest for a week, I'm afraid. And um, no physical activity for a month after," Christina says sadly and I feel my heart sink to my stomach. I can't believe it. No soccer for a month? I swear for a minute I can hear my heart break and tears of frustration and hurt instantly fill my eyes, threatening to spill at any second.

"What?! No soccer for a month?!" I half shout out, frustrated and beyond upset.

"Well actually Laur, they say you should only go back to playing soccer competitively after at least three months," Christina says slowly and thats all it takes for the tears to come pouring out. I can't believe this is happening. As soon as I achieve my goal I just instantly get shot down. Why is this happening to me? Christina comes closer and brings me into a hug as Mike rubs my arm comfortingly.

After crying into Christina's shoulder for a few minutes, I pull away and wipe my tears with the back of my hand.

"This is so unfair," I say angrily. No way in hell was anyone going to take away soccer from me.

"I know bug," Christina says rubbing my leg softly.

"But you've got to rest Laur and take it easy. You've gotta think about your health," Mike says and Christina nods.

"Whatever," I bitterly say out and sigh defeatedly. Stupid heart, I think to myself. Christina and Mike just sigh and look at me sympathetically.

Knock knock

A knock on the door brings everyone out of their thoughts and all eyes fall on the person at the door, Coach. Christina and Mike say a quiet "hey" towards her and glance back over to me.

"Hey Lauren, how are you feeling?" She says and comes over to the chair on the other side of my bed.

"Good. Ready to play again," I say determinedly which earns a sigh and an eye roll from Christina and Mike. Coach just gives me a slight laugh and shakes her head.

"Well, I'm glad your feeling okay but unfortunately you won't be playing for a while," She says and I sigh frustratedly.

"Well Lauren, since it's your first camp I'm happy to have you to stay here and just watch practice and games, obviously after your week on bed rest is up. And once practice is over you'll go back home and we'll see how you feel when the next training camp comes around." She says sympathetically and I nod.

"Okay Coach," I say disappointedly but glad I can stay here a bit longer until camp is over, even if I can't play.

"The rest of the team knows as well and they're heartbroken for you but they hope you feel better soon," She adds with a smile and I nod.

"Tell them I say thanks," I say and she nods.

"Well, I'll let you be. Christina and Mike if you want to stay here with Lauren until the end of camp that's fine with us," Coach says directing her question to my two older siblings.

"Thank you but unfortunately we can only stay for two days, we can't take that much time off of work and we're currently looking after the rest of our siblings as well," Christina says and Coach nods. She then smiles at me and says,

"Bye Lauren. See you soon,"

"Bye Coach." I say back before she walks out the door.

"You're only staying for two days?" I ask Christina and Mike, a little hurt they weren't staying for longer.

"We're sorry Laur, mom and dad are still on a work trip and we've got to go and control life back home. Things are a lot different now," Chris says sadly and gives me a weak smile.

Crazy how people I'm blood related too won't stay longer for me but my soccer teammates were willing to sleep the night by my side after only knowing me for less than a month. I just sigh and give them a weak smile back and don't say anything.

"Get some sleep Laur," Mike says as he sees me yawn. All I do is nod tiredly and close my eyes, quickly falling asleep.

One For All and All For Soccer | Lauren Cimorelli x USWNTWhere stories live. Discover now