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A/N - this is a crap chapter im sorry

Lauren's POV

I woke up after a terrible night of sleeping to find out that my chest hurts like hell. I rub my hand over my face to wake myself up a little bit and am instantly reminded of the events that happened yesterday. Sighing to myself, I get out of bed and find my phone to see many missed calls from my family and a bunch of texts from Lisa. I unlock my phone, responding to all of the texts except for Lisa's and throw my phone onto my bed.

An instant jab of pain in my chest makes me flinch and clutch my chest in pain, my stomach lurches forward and I lie on the floor. My chest feels like it's burning and I begin to panic a little bit. This wakes up Christen, who realises I am on the floor and rushes over to me in an instant.

"Lauren? What's wrong?" She asks me with a groggy voice and places her hand on my back.

"Nothing," I lie to her which she can obviously tell and then gives me an unconvincing look.

"Don't lie to me Lauren. What's wrong?" She asks me concerned while another wave of pain rushes over me, causing me to lurch my body forward. When it slightly passes, I begin to crawl into a little ball. Christen rubs my back and begins to play with the ends of my hair gently. She kisses my forehead and rubs her hand on my knee before standing up.

"My chest hurts," I tell her, she looks at me worriedly before telling me she'll be back quickly. The door then shuts and I am left on the floor, alone.

A few seconds later, Christen walks back in the room with Dawn who rushes over to me when she sees me on the floor.

"Here, take this." Dawn says after checking me over. She hands me a painkiller and another tablet which I take with Christens water.

"I think you just have some really bad heart burn. You should feel better after the tablet kicks in. If you don't feel like coming to practice, you don't have too." Dawn tells me, causing me to instantly shake my head.

"No. I'm going to practice." I tell her, Dawn nods but Christen gives me an uncertain look.

"Are you sure Laur?" She asks me and I nod at her. I then muster up some strength to get up of the floor and head into the bathroom. I quickly shower, mustering through the tightness of my chest, get changed and put on light makeup for today. I pull my hair up in a French plait and place my signature orange headband across my head.

When I get out, Dawn is gone and Christen is dressed and ready to go to breakfast. Christen looks me over and again, gives me a look of worry and concern. She shakes her head at me and sighs,

"Laur, I don't think you should go to practice. You were in a lot of pain and by the looks of it, you're still in pain now." She tells me while I grab my bag and begin to pack it with things I'll need for today.

"I'm going. I feel a lot better now," I lie and give her a smile which seems to convince her a bit more. She then shrugs and gets up to head downstairs with me following her.

We walk downstairs to find all the girls at breakfast already, chattering to each other and eating. I head over to the breakfast buffet and hear Christen sigh before she goes to sit down with the team.

"Lauren, are you okay?" Alex asks me, I look behind me to face her as she looks at me with a look of concern. I sigh,

"Christen told you, didn't she? Well, I feel a lot better so don't worry." I tell her and she nods before turning away to get some coffee.

After breakfast and me telling Christen I'm okay for the hundredth time, we head over to the bus to take us to practice.

Once we get there, we get changed and are split into two teams to start a practice match against each other.

I'm on a team with Christen, Ali, Alyssa, Carli, Becky, Rapinoe, Julie, Rose, Emily and Tierna. The others are on the other team.

We begin the match with our team scoring quickly, earning a clap from the coach and staff.

As Christen passes the ball towards me, I pick it up on the sideline and begin to dribble it down the field. Before I can pass the ball off my chest begins to tighten and another wave of enormous pain rushes through me.

I collapse to the ground, clutching my chest in pain and begin to scream hysterically. My eyes fill with tears as my hands are placed over my chest area. I hear screams that are calling out my name and then footsteps that are running over to me.

Before I can say anything or get back up again, I pass out and everything goes black.

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