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It's been two days since I told my family what I decided to do. They were supportive of me and kept telling me how proud they were. But now, it's time to leave.

When I get to the airport, Coach Ellis will pick me up along with Ali Krieger and Carli Lloyd. Since were on training camp in Delaware, we have a hotel and are sharing rooms. Coach Ellis told me I'll be sharing a room with Christen Press. I can't believe this, it's crazy. I'm going to meet my idols in less than 24 hours and I'm going to be staying in a room with one of them! It's insane. It still hasn't sunken in yet that soon, I will officially be apart of the US national soccer team!

I'm now standing at the airport, waiting to check in while my family are chattering behind me.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see Christina and Lisa. They pull me into a massive hug while stroking my back.

"You'll do great bug," Lisa tells me confidently while placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Remember, I'm only a call away." Christina told me and I nod. I'm so glad that Michael, Christina and Lisa warmed up to the idea of this because I didn't know what I would do.

"Well Lo, your flight leaves soon so you should probably go check in now." Dad says while handing me my bags he was rolling. I take my bags and put them behind me.

A few tears threaten to spill and I let a few of them out. I begin to wipe my tears away while Dad pulls me into a massive hug. He kisses my head and tightly squeezes me.

"I'm so proud of you for chasing your dreams sweetheart. You're going to do amazing. I'm going to be there all the way, watching every single game on TV even when you're not playing, which I doubt that will happen," He says and pulls away from the hug to wink at me. I shake my head while giggling and pull him back into a hug.

"I love you Dad, thank you for everything." I tell him while he places another kiss to the top of my head before I let go of the hug. Mom looks at me proudly but has tears in her eyes before pulling me into her arms.

"I am so proud of you, love. So so proud. If anything is wrong, call me and I'll be on the next ride over. I believe in you. You've got this." Mom tells me and I let a few more tears spill while I tighten my grip.

"Thank you mom, I love you. I'll phone when I get there, promise." I say and she nods before I pull away. I begin to tightly hug the others and when I get to each one they all whisper sweet words in my ear about how proud they are and how supportive they will be. I then reach Lisa, my hardest goodbye.

"Oh Laur," She looks at me and I can tell she's been crying as her eyes are red and puffy. I pull her into a hug while I silently sob on her shoulder. She strokes my back and I do the same when I hear her sniffle.

"I love you best friend," She says which makes me giggle and tighten my grip on her.

"I'm going to miss you so much. I'm going to have no one to annoy now," I tell her while she lets out a slight giggle.

"I'm going to miss you so much, more than you could know." She tells me and pulls away from the hug to plant a kiss to my forehead and then to my cheek.

"My baby sister, I don't know where the time has gone," She looks at me and gives a sad sigh while I give her a small smile.

"I should probably get going now," I say and reach behind me to grab my suitcases.

"I love you. If anyone hurts you, you message me straight away and I'll be on the plane. If anything happens, tell me immediately. I hope you have the best time in the world. I'm going to miss you more than anything. Love you to the moon and back and further," She says which makes me smile while I give her a quick last hug.

"Love you so much." I choke out before tears spill out of my eyes. She strokes my back while I pull myself together and pull away.

"Okay. I guess this is it," I say and look at everyone who's been crying. I begin to walk over to the gate area and turn around to give them one last wave which they all return. I then turn the corner and look back to see them walking away. I catch eyes with Dani who smiles sadly at me, I return a small smile before walking away.

I reach my gate number and before I could process anything, we were boarding the plane.


"Lauren!!" A voice calls out to me while I look around the waiting area at the airport. I have to stop in my tracks when I see one of my idols, Ali Krieger looking at me excitedly. She comes rushing over to me with Carli.

She pulls me into a hug which I return. Her hugs are so comforting, they remind me of Lisa's hugs.

"I'm Ali and that is Coach." She says pointing to the famous lady behind her who's smiling at me.

"Hi," I say with a smile, I was going to tell her that I knew her name but that would've been creepy.

"And I'm Carli. It's so nice to meet you. The team is going to love you!" She says while pulling me into a hug.

"The team is so excited to meet you!" Ali says and Carli nods. Coach Ellis walks over to us.

"Hello Lauren, I'm Coach and I'm so happy you're here!"

"Hi, Coach Ellis. Thank you for letting me come and for this amazing opportunity!" I say and she laughs a little.

"Please dear, call me Coach and you're most welcome. You're football skills are something out of this world!" I blush at her words and say thank you.

"Ok, let's go!" Carli says while leading me to the taxi that waits for us outside.

I think about everything on the ride to the hotel and start to miss everyone a lot. I decide to get my mind of it and go on my phone.

And in ten minutes, Ali has announced were here and a wave of anxiousness comes over me.

One For All and All For Soccer | Lauren Cimorelli x USWNTWhere stories live. Discover now