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Christens POV:

After what Lauren said to me on the bus, I felt guilty. I don't know why but a wave of sadness just hit me. I think it's because she reminds me so much of myself when I was younger, and she's only seventeen and already doubting herself. I just wish there was something I could do to make her see herself as an outstanding player like she really is.

No one said anything to each other about the practice match but we were all thinking it, how good of a player she is at only seventeen.

Maybe what I said to her on the bus was a bit over protective but I think she needed to know that we see what kind of a player she is, now we just have to make her see it.

I think we all see Lauren as like our younger sister since were all older than her and have been doing this thing for many years now. I guess that's why we acted like we did when we saw Lauren's confusion on when Ash said she was a great player.

I was now lying in my room watching some TV while Lauren was in the shower. Lauren came out and looked at the TV before grabbing some makeup out of her bag. She put light makeup on to match her dress for this dinner tonight. I wore a jumpsuit with a bit heavier makeup.

"So, you're from South Africa right?" I ask her, trying to cut the awkwardness.

"Yea." She says in her accent which I only really realised she had until now.

"Do we sound funny when we speak?" I ask her which caused a small smile to form on her lips.

"Yea. What about me?" She asks.

"Uhhuh," I say while nodding my head.

"Do you have any siblings?" I ask and she nods. She didn't seem too happy to talk about her family so I dropped it at that and changed the topic. Poor kid, she probably misses them like crazy.

"Do you like America?" I ask her while she now does her hair.

"I mean, I haven't seen much of it yet." She tells me and I nod.

"Well, when we get a day off, I promise to take you round Delaware with some of the others too," I say and she nods.

"I'd like that. Thanks," She smiles at me which I reciprocate. I can feel our friendship developing slowly which I'm glad for because she isn't really close or had a proper conversation with anyone yet.

"Are you excited for your first match?" I ask her and she looks up at me from the floor by the mirror.

"I think that will only come in a long time, but I guess so," She tells me.

"Well, I overheard Coach saying she wants you next match which is in like two weeks, a friendly against Spain." I tell her and I can see her eyes light up a little bit.

"I guess we'll see," She says and then a knock comes from the door. I get up to go and answer the door.

"Yea?" I open the door and see Ali, Ash, Kelley, Megan, Tobin and Alex standing at the door.

"We've come to hang out," Tobin says and I move out the way so they can come in.

They all sit around the beds, on the carpeted floor while Lauren finishes off her hair.

"So Lauren. What was South Africa like?" Alex asks.

"It was really hot but it was alright I guess," She says shrugging while Alex nods.

"What club did you play for over there?" Ash asks while looking up at me. I make a mental note to remind to tell her about the conversation Lauren and I had in the bus because if there's anyone you can rely on or ask to talk about doubts and insecurities, it's Ash.

"I played with my school but I also played with Redding." I glance over at the watch and realise it's ten minutes until seven so we better all go down to dinner.

"Guys, it's nearly seven. Let's go,"


Lauren's POV:

In the hotel room I got asked a lot of questions about me but I didn't really mind I guess, I just wish I can work up the courage to get to know them better and put in more effort.

We reach the dining area and all sit down. I sit next to Christen and Alex. I begin to talk with Ali, who's across from me.

"Do you know when our next training is?" I ask her.

"In two days time, tomorrow we're doing team bonding exercises," She tells me and I nod. I try to exercise at least once a day so looks like I have to go for a run tomorrow.

"Do you like it here? Is it different?" Ash asks me, whose sitting next to Ali. They're so cute together.

"Very different. I mean, I like what I've seen I guess. I haven't seen much," I say and let out a little giggle which Ash and Ali return.

"What do you like to do, other than soccer?" Ali asks.

"I do dancing and I like to sing, I also play tennis," I tell her and she looks impressed.

"Can you sing for us?" She asks and I shake my head no. She looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Maybe one day," I say with a slight giggle. She smiles at me before standing up to go to the hotel buffet. Christen asks me if I want to go get food with her and I accept, we walk to the buffet and fill our plates.

"I have an announcement!" Coach stands up at our table and everyone sits down and stops talking.

"I'd like to formally give Lauren her team and training kit." Coach says and everyone began to clap and cheer. I smile at them while blushing a little bit.

"Come up here Lauren," She says and I walk up over to her. She presents me a box and says,

"Number 19, Cimorelli," Everyone claps and cheers while I take my seat and place the box under the table and in between my legs.

"Congrats!" The team players say and I smile and thank them.

We begin to eat our food and Christen and Tobin begin to talk to me.

"So you dance?" Tobin says and I nod. She must have overheard my previous conversation.

"That's so cool." She says and I smile.

"Do you go to competitions and stuff?"

"I used to. I was in a dancing team for eight years but I had to give it up at the beginning of this year," I say, thinking back to the good old days when I danced with some of my best friends.

"Oh no, why'd you quit?" Christen asks.

"I wanted to focus more on soccer and my grades," I tell them and they nod.

"Do you miss home?" Tobin asks me and Christen then gives her a sharp look and a slap on her arm. She looks at Christen shocked and says a quiet sorry.

"No, it's okay. Yea, I do. A lot." I say and they both give me a small smile.

"So, have you ever had a Rita's before?" Christen asks, changing the subject which I'm thankful for.

"I don't know what that is," I say while they gasp at me. Everyone turns to look at them because they made a loud noise haha.

"She's never had a Rita's!" Tobin exclaims and everyone is shocked.

"Okay, after dinner we're going to get you one!" Ali says and lots of people say that they're going to come along as well. I nod and smile.

I'm really starting to warm up to them and I hope I can make really good friends here.

One For All and All For Soccer | Lauren Cimorelli x USWNTWhere stories live. Discover now