Ch. 1 - Moving In

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"Sweetheart, I'm going to need you to do what the nice men say, okay?" My mother faked a smile down at me. I could see the tears all over her face. 

"Mommy? What's happening?" I asked.

At the time I was only 7. My mother had just picked me up from school. Some men had cornered us, and I was separated from my mom for a while.

The two men that had kept me separated from my mom told me they were friends with my dad. I asked if they had snacks. 

But eventually they brought me back to my mom where I found her with a busted lip, and her hands bound behind her back. Tears scattered all over her face as her disheveled hair clung to her cheeks. 

"Yes, Mommy's okay. Listen to me. You remember your Daddy's hero name?" She asked. 

I nodded and smiled. "Eraserhead!" 

She grinned back at me. "Good job, if someone asks who your Dad is, you tell them Eraserhead okay?" 

"Alright that's enough- let's go." One of the men barked, making my mom and I jump.

"Mommy was talking." I pouted. 

"Listen brat-" the man started to speak but quickly his voice was taken away as I locked eyes with him. 

This was my quirk, I could take people's voices away if I looked at them.

The guy that seemed to be in charge cocked a gun and pointed it at my mom's head. "Shut off the quirk. Now. Or I'm going to shoot her."

Not having good control over my quirk, especially now being panicked, I instead took his voice and the situation devolved.

The next thing I knew I hit the wall and fell to the ground and a moment later I saw a person in all black jump off the building beside us and land in the middle of us all. 

It was my dad.

The rest was kind of all a blur. He started grabbing the Villains and taking them down. One by one he had them wrapped up in his scarf and knocked unconscious.

I ran over to my mom where she held me. I remember thinking about how cool Daddy was, and not understanding why Mommy was crying. 

Then my dad stood between us and the last man standing. 

"We do this the easy way or the hard way." My dad growled at him.

"Oh Eraser. Clearly you know nothing." The man smirked. 

Before I knew it the man had dissolved into thin air and my mother released her grasp on me. When I looked up at her, I found the man had reappeared behind her. 

Neither my dad or I had time to react before there was a gunshot and I witnessed my own mother's head get blown to pieces. Her blood splattering all over me.

Her body fell to the floor as the murderer disappeared again, making his escape. 

"Mommy!" was the only word I screamed as my father picked me up and held me against him in an attempt to comfort me.

That was one of the last words I ever said. 

My father, Shouta Aizawa raised me on his own after that. It was hard at first because he wanted me to be okay, but I never spoke to him after that. I never spoke to anyone. 

Therapy was useless because I couldn't communicate to the therapists. 

Some time after I had turned 8 however, I remember my childhood best friend stormed into my house, unannounced as he always did. 

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