Ch. 6 - The Question

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The rest of the week was pretty much the same. Every morning before classes, around 5am Katsuki and I would train together, I would bust my ass getting my dad's absurd amount of work done, he came home for lunch every day, then after school hours Tamaki came and helped me, then I'd train with Dad and Shinso before coming back home and doing the hardest work I saved for my dad to help me with. 

I gotta say though, it was working pretty well. A few times I had been able to take Bakugo in a fight, and I was beginning to become more evenly matched to Hitoshi. I was still better with the scarf and he was still better with hand to hand combat, but there was definitely a ton of improvement.

It was now Saturday morning and I had just finished making coffee for Dad and myself. Part of being his daughter was inheriting his caffeine addiction. 

He groaned as he sat in front of the coffee. "Thanks… I'm going to be gone most of the day, I have paperwork at the agency."

I nodded. 'I'm probably going to hang out with Katsuki or Tamaki.'

My dad cocked an eyebrow at me as he took a long sip of his coffee. "After you do your work I hope."

'What work?'

He left and returned with an intimidating stack of papers. "Remember I said anything you got wrong you would be doing today?" 

I groaned and put my forehead on the table.

"And I think it's best to keep you doing independent work another week." He added. 

I looked up at him and felt myself close to tears. 

"You've improved a lot, I'm not discrediting you for that. But I still want you to do better." He spoke softly. "We haven't even attempted to get you used to hearing your mother's voice."

He was right. I had almost forgotten that was the original plan. 

"But, I've seen you and Katsuki training those three hours before school and I appreciate how much work you're putting in. I've definitely seen your progress. If you want to go back to your dorm, I'll allow it." He added as he refilled his cup. "AFTER- homework."

I jumped up and hugged him. 

"I won't be home tonight to help you, you can have Tamaki over, and Katsuki is a good student too if you want to ask him for help, although he doesn't seem like the type to be too good at tutoring. You should be able to get it all done today, and you can have Sunday free." He continued as he hugged me back. 

'Thank you dad.' I signed. 

He put his now empty cup in the sink. "I'm proud of you Kid. See you tomorrow. Lock my door when you leave." 

After he left I asked both Katsuki and Tamaki to come over, I needed all the help I could get. 

The day was rough. All the work I had to redo was the work I struggled with the most. Tamaki wasn't very confident in himself to help me, he always ended up confusing me. Then Katsuki had little to no patience and if I wasn't understanding the question he would start yelling. Even beyond that Katsuki and Tamaki weren't the best of friends. It wasn't that they hated each other, but poor Tamaki was afraid of Katsuki, and Katsuki, being almost deaf was always yelling at Tamaki to speak up. 

But, we got it done in the end. The sun had set by the time we were done and I had cooked dinner for them as a thank you for helping me. After we cleaned up my dad's apartment, they walked me back to my dorm. Both of them went back to their dorms soon after however, being that they were both cranky old men that went to bed early.

9:00 rolled around and I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling until my phone buzzed. 

Hitoshi: Wanna train?

Silence || Hitoshi Shinso X Aizawa's Daughter (OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora