Ch. 5 - Evenly Matched

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"Sorry I sold you out to the old man." Katsuki muttered. 

I shrugged. 'It's fine. You were worried. He would have found out.'

"So, you and Hitoshi?" Bakugo asked with a sly smile. 

I groaned and flopped onto my back. The two of us were sitting on the training field watching the sun come up. I didn't sleep the night previous and Katsuki came over early before class to bring my phone. He talked me into training together in the mornings so that I could improve faster.

"The bastard keeps texting me, asking if you're okay. I blocked his number." Bakugo continued. 

I should text him, I thought to myself. But then I decided against it, I would see him that evening for training with my dad. 'You would feel the same way if it was spiky hair.'

"Tch. Whatever." Bakugo snorted. 

'You talk to him yet?' I asked.

"I don't want the class to know I'm gay." He told me softly. 

I put my hand on top of his gently and frowned. 'If they don't like it, blast them.'

We sat quietly for a while before getting up and spending the rest of our time training before Bakugo had to get to class. When I walked back through the door of my dad's apartment he was heading out. "Where were you?" 

I held up my phone to show it to him as proof before signing my response. 'Couldn't sleep. Trained with Kaachan. He brought my phone.'

He nodded. "Alright. Your work is on the table. I'll be back during lunch." Then patted my head before walking out the door.

When he said it would be double the work, he lied. It was more like triple. 

By the time my dad got back for lunch I had barely made a dent in the work. I didn't didn't hear him come in. It wasn't until he plopped down a bag in front of me that I jumped up. "I brought lunch."

Silently we ate together as I continued to work on the papers before me.

"How much have you done?" He asked with a mouth full of rice. 

I scowled at the work before signing back to him. 'Not even half. I'll finish it by the end of the week though, definitely.'

Then that evil smile of his twisted up as he took a swig of his coffee. "Oh no Michiru. That's today's work. Not this week's work. I have more for you tomorrow."

My jaw dropped as I gawked at him.

"And it better be all right too. If you get anything wrong you'll be re doing the work over the weekend." He informed me. 

'Can I ask Tamaki to tutor me after he's out of school? I need help.' I begged. 

He nodded. "That's fine. Shinso comes around 7 to practice. So you have until then." My father got up and cleaned our trash before waving goodbye and returning to school. 

I managed to get more than half of the work done before Tamaki came over. He was a lot of help. If it weren't for his social anxiety, he should have considered teaching. 

My phone lit up with a text. 

Tama-Senpai: your Dad must be really mad at you. 

Me: I don't think he's mad… I think he's worried that I can't keep up. He's kinda right.

Tama-Senpai: even with the whole Shinso thing?

Me: I mean, he was mad about that, but I think that's only a small part of everything.

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