Ch. 7 - Facing Fears

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"I really don't like this, Eraser…" Shinso hissed. 

It was the next day, Sunday evening. My dad was back and training with Shinso and I. It had already been a while since we started training. We had started the same way we had been for a while. Sparring first without quirks or support items then with support items. 

But then my dad asked Shinso to mimic my voice with his voice module.

"Okay, we don't have to do it. When Michi encounters an opponent with a similar voice to hers, she can just figure it out then I suppose." My father retorted.

Shinso looked to me with worry in his eyes. 

"If you two dating is going to make you suddenly go soft on her I can ask someone else to use the voice module for training. Someone who won't hold back." My father continued.

Shinso grimaced and pulled his voice module over his head. "What am I even supposed to say?" The voice started as the cartoonish voice I had used last night and as he spoke, slid down to the range my voice was in. 

"You remember the voice?" My dad asked.

"I don't think I'll ever forget it." Shinso said after turning the knob again, now sounding eerily similar to Mr.

"Little bit lower." My dad told him. 

Shinso sighed and adjusted it one more time. "Better?"

I could see a flash of pain in my dad's face before he nodded silently. He had only heard me say maybe a total of five words since that day. 

Instinctually I covered my ears and closed my eyes, I didn't want to hear my voice. 

I felt my dad's hand rest on my back. His voice was muffled but I could still hear him through my covered ears. "If you need to stop, use your quirk."

I took a deep breath and shook out my hands. I tried to look determined, but I'm sure Hitoshi saw right through my facade. 

"You, just egg her on. Keep talking. I don't care what you say, just try to piss her off. You're good at getting under people's skin." My dad told Hitoshi as he moved away from us. 

I could see how much Shinso hated this. "Michi, please, stop me when you've had enough." 

My mom's voice made my head spin and my stomach flipped like I was going to puke. I swallowed fears and dropped down into a defensive stance. 

The first few rounds Shinso absolutely kicked my ass. I couldn't stay focused and hear my mom's voice- my voice, taunting me. I was making stupid messages and Hitoshi was even holding back to say the least. 

I'm not sure how much time had passed but I ended up sitting on the floor with my feet hugged to my chest. Shinso started to take off his voice module and approach me. But my father stopped him. "Keep going. If she wants you to stop, she can quirk."

My dad was right. I wanted to keep going, but my body wouldn't listen to my brain, I was frozen. 

"Michiru." Shinso said with a pained tone, but in the artificial voice. 

That's when a fourth voice echoed in the gym. "What the fuck?"

We all turned our heads over to see Bakugo entering the gym. 

"Michi, get up or quirk. Please." Shinso begged, he was more concerned about me than Bakugo. 

"Katsuki. Calm down." My father ordered. 

"Is this what you guys do? Torture Michi?" Katsuki was livid. I could see sparks itching in his hands. 

"Michiru- god damn it. Get up and keep going or quirk- please!" Shinso's voice was desperate. He saw me hurting and he wanted to help me, but he knew I had to make this decision on my own. 

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