Sticks and Stones

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My mama use to say that sticks and stones may break my bones but you, you were never suppose to hurt me.

But you did and I found myself praying it was the sticks and stones and the broken bones because that pain I would've known how to deal with.

Your pain was different.

See, I wasn't prepared for the pain of the sharp shards of my broken heart piercing my gut killing the butterflies that once roamed there.

I wasn't prepared for the pain of my spirit being shredded into confetti falling to the ground through my tears.

I wasn't prepared for the pain of the virus of fear contaminating my soul killing my hope cells and will cells because they are what drive you.

I wasn't prepared for the pain of the emptiness I feel now that you aren't here.

All that's left is a broken heart

A gut full of festering butterflies

A shredded spirit.

An infected soul.

Sticks and stones may break my bones mama used to say.

But you, you were suppose to cure it all.

I guess that's why into you so many people fall.

Sticks and stones may break my bones

And now I know you, you will break me too. 

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