Seed of Love

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Till the soil of your soul first.

Make it rich with all the possibilities you expect to reap from my harvest.

Now the tricky part.

Find another who has tiled their soil as you have.

Combine your soil and make it rich with all the possibilities you have for my harvest in each other. 

Plant me deep in the soil you both have made.

Now I'm rooted in the souls of both of you.

Because  I am rooted in the both of you it will take the both of you to help me grow. 

Water me daily with the assurance, will, hope, and faith you have in each other.

If you tend to me together you will reap a bountiful harvest.

If only one tends to me, then the harvest you will reap will be one of no fruit.

No fruit means no seeds. 

No seeds means I die there.

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