Is He Worth Saving...? (Dream angst)

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Prompt from @JacklynWasFound09 :

Can you guys do major dream angst? Dream gets kidnapped by the Eggpire and they're trying to force them to submit to the egg but Sam manages to find him and is trying to help him recover?


This was written by Daydream or @Lamplight143 <3

Hope you enjoy! :)

TW: Panic Attacks

Requested by: @JacklynWasFound09

By: Daydream <3

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Dream's head was pounding and it felt like his brain would explode at any second. But that was how he normally felt, ever since he was thrown into prison his head pounded and his body ached. His shoulders would feel sore constantly and he was always exhausted even though he did practically nothing during the day. Sleeping on the cold hard obsidian ground wasn't too great for his body, but Dream just got used to it. It wasn't like he could do anything to change it. But he felt different, the ground feeling soft and warm. It wasn't like the prison floors he had gotten used to. It was a nice change after months of being in the confiding box. But the new feeling struck confusion into Dream, the blonde immediately shooting up from where he was laying. His vision was blurry and he went light headed as soon as he sat up. He let out a groan and held his head with his and, using his other hand to help him sit up straight. He noticed his mask was laying next to him, quickly grabbing it and putting it on his face.

When he looked around he noticed he wasn't in his cell anymore. The obsidian below him was replaced by a soft red substance that he couldn't recognize. It felt almost forigen when Dream felt it with his hand. How he got out of that god forbidden prison was beyond him, but he was glad to be out. He didn't know how much longer he could handle the ticking on the clock. He would've died from boredom. But now he was surrounded by red... It was a nice change from the black walls inside of Pandora's Vault. But red was all he could see from miles. The area was huge, vines growing from almost everywhere he looked. He was guessing he was underground, looking up at the vines that were cascading from the ceiling. Small lava pools bubbled near Dream, the blonde backing away from the lava quickly. The shroom lights that were scattered everywhere, barely provided light to the place. He slowly stood up, dusting off red dust from his pants once he was standing. He felt light on his feet but he could manage. Dream thought he was alone as he tried to figure out a way out... But then he turned around.

Bad was standing on top of a huge red egg, Antfrost sitting on the egg at Bad's feet. The egg was huge, it's surface swirling with different shades of red. It was as beautiful as it was terrifying. It was like nothing Dream had ever seen before... He hadn't done anything to the server's code. He didn't think that the world could conger out something like this. Both Bad and Antfrost were looking down at the blonde with interest. Dream just stared back at the two, Bad having a smile on his face as he looked down at the warrior. But the smile wasn't the one that Dream was used to. The smile was twisted, it was like he was mocking Dream. Dream saw the two faces of his friends but he had a feeling deep in his mind that the people he was looking at weren't his real friends.

The red in Bad's clothing had changed to the color white and his eyes didn't hold the warmth they used to. Dream could feel the danger rolling off the pair, unable to move from his spot. Bad had visited him in prison a few weeks ago and seemed fine then... What had changed during those few weeks? Dream's eyes then looked over at Ant, the hybrid's tail flicking behind him as he stared at Dream. The blonde noticed how his eyes weren't bright blue anymore. They were now a dark shade of crimson and Ant seemed to be more hostile than normal. His fangs were constantly bared and his claws were out. They were covered in Netherite armor, Ant holding an axe while Bad's sword was hanging from it's belt. Dream didn't enjoy the fact he had nothing on him other than his mask and his normal green hoodie.

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