The Drive of an Older Sibling (Dream!Manhunt AU)

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Prompt from deathclawiii:

pairing: none
type: fluff
au: Dream-centric Manhunt
plot: Dream is on the run from the law for whatever reason you wish to come up with and collects a myriad of children/younger siblings (a mixture of any of the younger server members) along the way and takes care of them. Dream is also like the best brother he can possibly be given the situation and a complete badass.


This was written by Daydream or Lamplight143

I hope you like it!

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TW: None

Requested by: deathclawiii

By: Daydream

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"Get him you muffin heads!! Stop fighting!!"

"He went this way! Come on! Sapnap stop hitting me!!!"

"No, I saw him run that way! George what are you doing?!"

"Ant! Help me pull them apart!"

"He's 15 years old!!! How hard is it to catch a kid?!"

Dream snickered from behind his mask as he hid in the trees above. He looked down at the fighting hunters, watching as they pushed and shoved. They were full grown adults and they seemed to act more childish than Dream himself. He had to put a hand over his mouth so the four below didn't hear his laughter. He was surprised these were the people that the kingdom sent to capture him, thinking they would want more skilled people on his tail. But Dream wasn't complaining. It was a nice form of entertainment. He was wearing his dark green hoodie and brown pants, blending in with the leaves and branches. His bag of goodies were tucked deep within his backpack, Dream making sure the bag was securely shut tight. The teen had stolen a few bits of food and whatever else he could grab while he was running away. He wished he could stay for the show but he had other things to worry about. He didn't look back as he made his getaway, jumping from branch to branch and getting further and further away from the hunters.

After he was pretty far away from the hunters he dropped from the treetops, landing on the ground without as much as a soft thud. He looked around for a few seconds before letting out a sigh in relief that he was now in the clear. He had been running for who knows how long. Even though he was good at running and dodging, he only had so much energy to spare. He finally relaxed, his shoulders lowering as he rolled his neck. Dream flinched and let out a small hiss as he felt and heard his bones crack as he stretched. He rolled his shoulders a few times before letting out a huff, the adrenaline leaving his body. The teen immediately pulled down his hood, his fluffy blonde hair sticking out in multiple directions. Dream pushed his mask to the side, signing in relief as the cool wind hit his face. He blinked a few times as he adjusted to the light, taking in a deep breath. His emerald eyes scanned the area, landing on a huge swarm of vines.

They grew on the side of a huge mountain, the huge patch of plants covering a huge part of the cliff. At first glance it didn't seem like much, just a few vines hanging over the side of the mountain. But Dream knew better and smiled at the sight of home. Dream walked up to the side of the mountain, looking at the vines before pushing them aside. Behind them was a huge open tunnel, leading deeper into the mountain. The wind blew in the blonde's face, the teen letting out a sigh as he let the cold air wash over him. Dream looked back into the open world one final time before ducking into the mountain, darkness surrounding him. But the blonde didn't mind. He had walked this path for years now, knowing the dark tunnel as well as the back of his hand. At the end of the huge dark cavern was a bright light, Dream smiling as he walked a little faster towards the light. When he made it to the other side he was in a huge cave in the center of the mountain. This is where trees, animals, and a waterfall lived. A small cottage in the middle of the serene setting.

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