Another Child (Winged!Dream AU)

961 29 14

Prompt from @Wolfy_ono:

pairing: Dream and Philza
type: father son relationship I guess
au: Dream has wings but he hid it from everyone
plot: Phil (and probably the whole smp cause why not–) finds out Dream has wings and then he adopts Dre–


Written by: Daydream or Lamplight143

Hope you enjoy! <3

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TW: None :)

Requested by: @@Wolfy_ono


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It was night time in the tundra, the moon full in the sky and outside was pretty chilly. Philza sighed as he slowly stretched, his wings spreading out behind him as he did. He couldn't help but flinch a bit when he felt his bones crack and shift back into place. He sighed, knowing it wasn't healthy to not move them for an extended amount of time. He couldn't leave his wings folded forever even if he wanted to... He had finally made Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo go to bed, the three teens being restless almost all of the time. Techno was out on a bonding adventure with Wilbur and Friend, the three of them heading to a nearby village to get more supplies for the cabin. Since no one was around Phil thought it was the best idea to go out adventuring into the cold night, his wings feeling all stiff and sore from being tucked for the past few days. He didn't want to deal with the side effects of unused wings so he was happy to live in the middle of the snowy forest where no one could really bother him while he was flying.

Philza's wings were strong and pretty large compared to others he has seen. The huge grey feathers stretched out behind him as he walked towards the middle of the fenced area. They grey in his wings almost looked silver as the moon reflected on them. Phil took in a deep breath as his blue eyes looked to the sky. It was filled with stars that made him smile. Soon when he felt the cold winter wind blow past him he crouched down, holding his hat to his head. He then jumped his wings whooshing down as he launched himself into the air. The wind picked up the snow around him, snowflakes dancing around him as he took to the skies. He knew he would have to fix the snow later, but at that moment he really didn't care. It was nice being above the trees with the clouds again.

It felt like it had been ages...

His wings were a little sore from lack of usage but he felt fine after five minutes of just straight flying. His wings were huge so he couldn't really take them out when he was in the house. His wings were made for long distance flying, not for speed. But what Philza didn't notice was that he ended up flying over the forest and made it to Snowchester, he didn't mind though. He decided to keep going and soon he was back in New L'manburg. The house he used when he stayed over in L'manburg was still there, looking untouched from before... He really liked this place, happy that Wilbur handed over the role of president to Tubbo without much of a fight after winning the election.

It was the safest plan for everyone and it even brought peace to the server.

But as he was flying Philza noticed something on one of Tommy's old towers, the cobblestone building reaching as high as the clouds and then some. It was hard to see since there was a great lack of light, the only bright source of light being the moon itself. He decided to hover and assess what was going on, his curiosity getting the best of him. He had to squint but soon he saw someone sitting on the edge of the tower, their legs swinging back and forth at the top. They were wearing complete black, a black sleeveless turtleneck and some black cargo pants with dark grey boots. But that part wasn't what the blonde man was most concerned about...

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