Me Amour (Dreamnoblade late Valentines Gift)

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Hey Horsemen! I known im a bit late but bear with me, I have a million fics currently working on and I'm literally being scolded for it. Anyways! I hope you liked my one shot, even if it was ruched :p

- notmoony-


Dream dawdled through the undergrounds of pogtopia, allowing his eyes to at times meander at the mild rugged surface and its ruddy yet earthen surface. They did a truly great job with the ranch, building it undersurface where the soil is vastly improved and fertile.

The security framework was incapable, however, given the fact that admins can sidestep a wide range of verifications, yet propts to Tubbo for making today simple for him.

Dream halted, feeling the glow and shine of a close-by light. He drew a consistent inhale and mixed his way to the passageway slowly, occasionally cleaning his damp fingers against the hem of his shorts.

it's easy. He assures himself, feeling his legs grow shaky and his movement clumsy. What's so difficult in saying five words anyways? it's a simple inquiry, and the result all relies upon two basic words. If Technoblade says no, then Dream will be the man walking away with four gapples and five bars of gold. He'll spend the time in his existent house, plunked down on his existent couch, and watch movies on his existent TV.

Perhaps he'll cry a bit too.

Dream attempted to cool his frenzy articulation, swallowing a piece as he ventured in the entrance. He glanced around hysterically until his eyes bolted on the piglin hybrid, his hands started to get clammy because fuck, technoblade looked so beautiful, so perfect in those tight beige overalls. His muscles, god his ideal cut muscles, clung pleasantly on the sweaty fabric.
is Dream even worth it?

Dream growled. Why's he so fucking apprehensive? he asked out men and women before, and never had he acted like such of a big pussy during those occasions.

So for what reason does he feels his throat obstructing and for what reason does he feel his body becoming hot and sweat-soaked, for what fucking reason does he feel so anxious and frail?

Because you love him.

Because he's a pig, have you at any point asked out a pig?


The air became fussy, and Dream noticed his body tumbling down excessively late, he closed his eyes firmly and prepared for dirt to swallow his face.

Except, the hand that gripped his waist and secured him in their chest had different plans.


Dream stiffened, who wouldn't?

Technoblade possessed an aroma like cocoa and tea, an energetically home-like fragrance that made him incline towards the fabric.

He hears the hybrid laugh at the activity, voice raspy and low, and if not for that snicker dream wouldn't have known about the off-kilter position they're in.

Technoblade has a hand on his midriff, adjusting him into his chest, whilst Dream's two hands are laying on his biceps to help support, and to exacerbate it, Dream's fucking sniffling the pig hybrid.

" I-I'm sorry," Dream thrashed his arms out of Techno's hold and went upstanding in the corner. " er-... I'm sorry." He rehashes, simply because the first was excessively high-pitched and squeaky.

" It's cool." Techno consoles in his low droning voice. He streaked Dream a quiet grin and continued with his watering.

“ So- um... aren't you going to ask me how'd I get in here?”

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