Dying in Your Deep Blue Eyes Chapter 2

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   Shorei's POV

            We still we're standing at the rooftop. As the wind blowing through her hair . She smiling and then looked at me. I was staring at her like I was amazed." How about your friends in the canteen , we should we invite them here.??" I asked and she giggled at me again. " You know you're a funny one , one thing I hate is pretending people you know so...yeah I don't have a real friend untill you showed up . I was famous yes but I never wanted to be one. I just wanted someone who understand me." She replied to me , and look at the sky again. "In the big clear sky. I wish I was a bird and spread my wings. Fly like I do it forever and be free. What do you think" she said and smiled at me.

Yokina's POV

            After I smiled I looked at my watch,and it's 2 mins before our next class and it's physical fitness."hey we should get going now or we will be late on our next class ." i said "physical fitness is not really my thing I'm sorry" he replied  ,And then looked up the sky " they'll might see my eyes after all and runaway from me again". He's serious toned."who cares about what they say Just be yourself". I replied"i don't think im good at it and i been injured in my first year so i got traumatize that's why i don't want to go and not only my eyes i'm really sorry."he said like he want to escape. "then what do you do when it's physical fitness time " I asked "umm.... Sitting on the bench or in the corner." He replied "ok this time you're with me so you're going in physical fitness " i said and drag him through the stairs ,And saw Hanabi Furi .She's one of our classmates .Since first year .We never talked to each other , but humour say that  she hates me or jealous of me. So decided to talk to her. "Umm.... Hello Furi-San" I said " Umm.... Hello.. Nozomi -San and Aoi-Kun heading to the gymnasium?" She asked " umm... Yesss, how about you Furi-San.." I asked " umm... I was about to can we just go together" she replied cheerfully "Sure " I cheerfully respond.

Hanabi's POV

         So we went to the class of Mr. Mizuki or so i called Mr. PF . On the way . I looked at Nozomi-San .To me I sense .She's hiding something , And Aoi-Kun too. " Are you guys friends or more than that??" I asked out of the blue. " N-no we're just friends" both replied at the same time " ohh... Ok I thought you two are dating " I said. Then they both gave me silent treatment. When we reach the gymnasiums. The boys and girls are separated. Nozomi-San is good at volleyball but she always take a break after 5 scores and deep breaths and drink. Maybe, she have asthma or something. Aoi-Kun is good at sports but he always being trouble by something, and me I always in volleyball like Nozomi-San and I'm her rival after all.

Shorei's POV
       I take a break from basketball cause all I do is pass the ball to my other teammate. When I saw Furi-San and Nozomi-San 's playing volleyball they tie up but Nozomi-San always look at the possible to look at and Furi-San always blocking her moves. Then Nozomi-San take a break with Furi-San. They looked like really exhausted. So i ask them " N-Nice game guys ??" They both look at me and said" You Too, and shoot the ball next time  don't just passed it on others . " They're being sarcastic I guess.. " I'm sorry" I said. So yeah we were hanging out until the next class.

Yokina's POV
     So yeah the whole time we were all together. Furi-San let me called her by her first name and so Am I  , but Shorei-Kun  is just 50/50 I guess....So I think we were all friends. Then the Classes ended like in glimpse. Hanabi- Chan stopped by the station. And Shorei is ......... "Byyyyy ..MS.AKIRA 'S
  HOUSE!!!???" I was shocked and look at him straight up..  " W-W-what  wait wut wait how I mean why I mean which i mean when I mean where
......I mean"......I keep asking. I was so confused....I can't think straight...

Shorei's POV

         Nozomi -San was so freaking out and I tried to stop her, but that  time I want to hug her and thank her,but then she came....

Akira's POV
    I was walking straight home for shorei would be hungry and exhausted after all it's my first time to see him at school again and then yeaahhh i saw  him with Yokina-chan.
I was shocked and I tried to sneak with out interrupting, but he saw either way .... So I walk towards behind Yokina-chan and she seem afraid and  confused by me..." Umm.... Hello Yo .....Nozomi - San..  what brings you here " I said and smiled
" Umm.... Ms. Akira can I ask you something ?" She replied " Of course ... What is it?" I asked " Umm.. What is your last name ??" She asked " oh... Dear .....Harukawa why ??" I asked " Haru..... Kawa??" She asked . " Yes .... Shorei-Kun is my little cousin ." I replied.

Yokina's POV

   Shorei-Kun nod and kinda embarrassed about it and I was so shocked.I think my mind explode ,
and I have no idea what am I doing again. After that she invite me to stay for dinner .honestly it happens so fast.  I can't remember a thing. After that I was helping Ms. Akira to wash the dishes while Shorei cleaning the table and filling up the water bottles. It's kinda odd how She told him to tie he's hair up .Really his are same blue but one is like clear ocean and a deep one colored .  Ms. Akira told his eyes were like her mother when she saw it back then beautiful and yet kind .

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