Dying in Your Deep Blue Eyes Chapter 5

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Hanabi's POV

             Yokina Chan stopped talking  so ...i..." hey , Yokina what's wrong " I asked" ummmm nothing , nevermind I'm sorry" she replied I sensed that she's lying ,And it pissed me  off " Yokina Chan did you wanna know how I exactly feel and truth about me ?" I said " yes Hanabi Chan I will listen" she said "I hated people who always pretend and lie that's why
I hated myself . cause I do it all the time .I'm ok and fine with everything but it's not ... I'm not and never been" I said that raising my voice and expressed my hatered towards her , Cause I don't want her to lie to me too, But then she hugged and it calms me down " I have a heart diesease ,and a dream about me dying . I'm sorry if I didn't mean to lie, but please don't tell anyone even Kanagi Kun and  more importantly Shorei Kun, ok?" She said "I promise cause you promised me too." I said... and I get my inhaler in my bag and taken some.

Yokina's POV

       Now I want to ask her personally.
" ummmm... Hanabi chan do you really hate me ? " I asked " Now I know you're not lying yes and no. yes back then you always pretend and No cause  now your my friend, and now I know the reason but worser state than me... " she said straight forward " ok... Then do you like Shorei Kun??" I asked " umm... What if I said yes ?what would you do?" She said it as like she's teasing me " then I tell Kanagi Kun you like him I guess" I said and then she laugh like the villain in a story but worser
" he won't buy it or he'll take it as a joke really.. I told him a lot of times"she said depressedly ." So you mean you like Kanagi Kun??" I asked " honestly yes I do but every single time . When I tell him  he take it as a me messing around or giving points for it." she said it like she's get hit by a sign of points that he gave her in her confessions ." Why you he give you points ?" I asked .she looked like died in the last sign saying Why did he..
" Well it's  actually been 5 months from now . We were supposed to go home and then I confessed to him and yeah it's so quiet and awkward .I told him it's a practice confession and then he gave me just 1 points that time ?!!. I know it's stupidly of me ." She said like her soul fading in shame,and dying.." W-well we only have 8 months before we go to college ,you know" I said " nah... I will never going to tell him. He sees me as a friend. I swear" she sadly smiled . " Then I will help you, don't give up dummy I mean Hanabi Chan" I said encouraging her..in a few minutes later I was cooking for us cause we're yeah girls slumber party I guess. We were so bored so I.." hey should we invite them cause the more the merrier " I asked " or we should go to Shorei Kun's house " she smirking at me ..." No please don't.... forget it" I said " Are you sure?you know Shorei Kun's house don't ya?" Teasing me .... " N-no .. well kinda??" I said . Then mom got home " hello I'm back Sweetie ..??" Mom said " uhmm.. welcome back mom .. my friend is going to stay here for a night.. you don't mind right??" I asked . Her eyes are so sparkling and smiling like crazy..Hanabi chan was sitting and my mom " hello dear what is your name ??" She asked ...

Hanabi POV

    My mind got blank and Yokina Chan's mom is so pretty and kind ... " umm... My name is Furi Hanabi ma'am" I said " oh what a beautiful name Hanabi is a fireworks in Japan right ,Yokina Chan" she asked" thank you very much Mrs. Nozomi-San" I said " oh no no I'm not Mrs. Nozomi anymore I'm Ms. Hirakana or call me  aunty ,ok??" She said " umm.. yes ma'am I meant aunty" I said smiling." Yokina Chan she's so cute like you" she said Yokina Chan was kinda embarrassed..

Yokina's POV

     Mom showed my childhood photos. It's kinda embarrassing and bring back more memories. Hanabi-Chan was kinda happy when she saw it and  we go up to my room. " I kinda envy you Yokina Chan your mom was so busy and yet she treated you like the most important thing In her life her one and only treasure I guess ?" She said sadly smiling " Hanabi chan your important to me too you know and Shorei Kun and lastly Kanagi Kun don't you think?" I said to cheer her up. " Hahaha there's a big difference between family and friends you know and yeah my mom died .When she gave a birth to me.My dad is so busy that he treats me like invisible . My brother hates me , because mom died because of me . I wanted to see mom's face and be like if she was alive you know ." She sadly Said. " Then I'll be your little sister " I said. She laughed at me .I was so confused by that " wha- what's wrong with that? " I asked. " Your like him too " she said " like who??" I asked. " Kanagi Kun ..he knows about my family you know and he said . he'd be my brother you know ,and I kinda laugh at him too but when I looked at him .He was serious. I thanked him for that but I wanted him to be my you know" she said. " ohhhhh.... so you wanted to childhood couple ,huh??" I said " we'll kinda I mean yess??" She replied." We should sleep now it's getting late you know" I said ." Yeah I guess we should or we are gonna be late. " she said so we lay down and turn off the lights.
" Hanabi Chan good night and sweet dreams" I said " you too Yokina Chan " she said and we sleeper.

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