Chapter 15

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"Hey Abby, Olive. nice to see you again. who are your friends?" Darry asked while he's in the door way greeting us "Hi, this is Flo, Delilah, and Ellie-May" they all shook his hand. I swear if Flo has to wait any longer to see Dal then she's gonna burst. "Welcome to our home girls, glad you can all come over for dinner" "we've made spaghetti and chocolate cake" Pony-boy pushed his way to the doors entrance. We all came into their house. "it's quant, quite humble to" Ellie-May whispered to me. " And here is Johnny, Pony-boy, Dally, Soda-pop, Two-bit, and Steve" Darry introduced us to the gang, We all shook their hands. Floss eyes were flipping out as she shook Dallas's hand rapidly. We all sat at the table, Flo us sitting across from Dal, Ellie-May is sitting next to Steve And Dal, Delilah is right next to Soda-pop and strait across from Two-bit, Olive placed herself at the head if the table, Johnny was sitting at the very end, and I'm next to Steve and Darry. "Hope you all brought your appetite with you" Darry brought in a big bowl of spaghetti and set it in the middle of the table. Everyone ate for a while. after dinner we all talked a bit, I looked across the table to see that dally was technically ignoring Flo and having a conversation with Ellie-May. I looked to Delilah to see that her and Soda-pop were hitting it of nicely. Olive and Johnny were just staining, pretending we weren't their at all. Flo's face is turned red with envy. I know this isn't going to end we'll

Johnny came out with the cake while everyone was still talking. Flo is still looking at Dal and Ellie-May, her makeup starting to run down her face from all of her sweating, she looked like a crying clown. But I don't have the heart to tell her that though. Things were going just fine when Flo burst. she grabbed Ellie-May by the arm And took her to the bathroom. "we'll that's a little weird, but who wants cake?" Pony-boy and Steve suggested. "Yah!" By then everyone was hungry for cake. As the cake was passed out I saw Two-bit in the corner of my eye, "what's he doing?" I thought to myself. but I ignored it and took a bite if my cake. Delilah was enjoying her cake, it was pretty much Soda-pops, he was spoon feeding it to her ( she's pretty clever to get him to do that) and everyone else is just eating like normal while mingling in between bites. Flo and Ellie-May came out of the bathroom and both day at the table upset. Flo's makeup is better now, she must've fixed it while she was in their. they both began eating like it was a contest. Dally looks at Ellie-May very admiringly though, I'm just hoping that this won't end badly. "So what are your social classes? I mean if you feel free to talk about it." Darry broke the silence, "Me and Delilah are Soc's, and Ellie-May and Olive are greasers" Flo looked up at everyone, chocolate now covering her face. She doesn't even look a slight bit embarrassed about how she looks, I think she was just mad at Ellie because of all the affection Dally is giving her instead of Flo. "That's nice, and you Abby?" Soda-pop paused feeding Delilah to ask the question. "I'm undecided" I said a little quietly, but not to quite, I can never really be to quite, only when in sad. They all looked at me, it felt a little weird honestly. "Why aren't you a lucky duck! What do ya want to be?" Steve yelled, cake spilling out if his mouth. " I'm not real sure, I'll figure it out soon though" I reassured everyone. they all went back to eating their food.

A few minuets later I saw Two-bit get up and go into the kitchen, and come back in 4 seconds flat. that seemed shady to me, but I kept talking with Darry. about a minuet later I couldn't see him anymore "maybe he went outside or something" my mind kept telling me. Just as I told myself that Two-bit smacks a plate of chocolate cake into face. "WHY THE HAVK DID YOU DO THAT!?" I tried wiping of the icing from my eyes. "because you wanted me to show you how to apply my special beauty mask" Two-bit laughed a little under his words, everyone was laughing, but I love pranks, in fact I love doing them back almost as much as I love watching them. "Oh yah my bf I forgot, hey I see a wrinkle under your eye, let me fix that for you" I grabbed My cake plate and pushed it into his face. they all laughed harder, including Two-bit and I. Even though we were covered in cake I didn't care, I was laughing with the gang for the first time.

When I was time to go we cleaned up the spilled cake and thanked them all, Delilah Ellie-May and Olive were almost reluctant to go, Flo was pretty much ready to go though. As we said our goodbyes, Two-bit stopped me "Hey, sorry for putting cake on you, hope it didn't mess up your hair or make you mad" He was sorry, but their was nothing to be sorry about " Its completely fine, sorry for doing the same, hope it didn't mess up your hair" I teased him slightly. " I hope to see you again soon, your real funny, that's good". " thanks, your funny to. see you soon" I held my hand out for a hand shake, but he pulled me into a huge. he smells like cake, but I don't care. I don't think he minded me smelling like cake either. His hug is gentle, and soft, and he gets really close when he hugs you to. My favorite people in the world are people who give good hugs, and he is a good hugger. As we left i couldn't help but look back into the Curtis house window, back to wear Two-bit stood their smiling, and I can't help but smile with him.

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