Chapter 39

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We'll yesterday went well, and now it's saturday. A day were people can be people and not care about how their dressing and what their looking like. I slipped on some pants and a sweater then later on the couch while watching tv and eating breakfast. I pretty much stayed in one place until 2:32, that's my regular saturday, just chilling in my comfy clothes and wearing no makeup. The phone rang and my father yelled from upstairs to get it, so I rolled off of my seat like a potato and dragged myself to answer it. "Were going to all go sing karaoke at a real neat hang out, want to come? Or are you to busy?" Ellie-May nonchalantly spoke into the phone. "I'll ask" I put the phone down and shuffled to ask my mother, but before I could ask she shoved me out of the kitchen and picked the phone up for me and answered. "Abby would love to come, she'll be their at 4:30. She'll see you then bye now" she hung up, "what was that?" I said standing behind her. "You need to be more like a teenager, just get off the couch and get crazy, within the boundaries thou" she held my face and kissed my forehead, "I guess your right, ill go get ready" I hugged her and scampered off to my room. I put on some mascara and eyeliner but nothing else, a pair of my light skinny jeans with my peach loose fitting spring shirt and a peach and white letterman jacket with my yellow necklace and red converse. I slid down the stairs to only be stopped by my little sister, "Abby, were playing a board game, you've gotta play before you go" she yanked me into the family room onto an empty chair, "you must play to leave with your friends, it's family night" my father held out some with and black dice to me, I grabbed them and begrudgingly participated in the game. Throughout family time my little sister kept whining and my older sister got mad, but we still had a lot of fun together, it's how we work.

The clock rang 4:00 as we were all cleaning up the game items, "I'll take you now Abby, I'll meet you in the car" my daddy motioned me out of the door and to the car. We arrived at the hangout at about 4:25, everyone was already their thou so I just hugged my father goodbye and ran up next to my friends. "Were all gonna go inside now, karaoke is starting" Flo tugged on my shirt and we all walked in. No one is really here, only a few people, everyone is in the teenage hang out place. The karaoke only has one guy singing over and over, "we'll be over here" my friends pointed to the hang out, I nodded and sat at one of the available seats. "Now who would like to sing!" The guy mumbled into the microphone, "Me!" I stood up with my hand raised. "Okay, make sure you please the crowd by projecting and having diction" I told me as I made my way on the stage, "you got it" I held my thumbs up and took the microphone from him as he told me all of the song options. I settled on a song I don't know, called "Johnny B. Good" by chuck berry, it sounds good so why not. The song came quietly through speakers and I looked to the lyrics on a piece of paper and tapped my hand to the beat of the song. Do you know when you get caught up in a song and you go completely crazy? We'll that's exactly what happened, it felt like I was alone in my room singing by myself. By the time the song ended almost everyone was looking at me a little frightened, I'm not what you call the best singer but I do it for fun. "Thank you" I walked off the stage, handing the microphone to the man in charge and walking to my friends. Ever sense I started doing drama in 7th grade I have no shame, and what I mean by no shame I mean I'm not afraid to do a lot of stuff like dancing in public or singing, I make it into a joke so it doesn't bother me.

I walked into the hangout looking for my friends, I found them all talking to each other and just being teenagers. "Hey Abby" Olive waved me to her, but just as I was about to reach her a few soc's grabbed Olives arm whispered into her ear. I hurried my pace by a lot, Flo and Delilah shoved them but they threw them to the side and had people grasp their arms. Ellie-May who's now on the floor being held by multiple soc's wiggled around uncontrollably trying to get loose, "what are you?!" One of the soc's aggressively walked up to me, "excuse me?" I looked into his hot fiery eyes, "what social class are you?!" His anger burned from his eyes into his words. "I don't have one, I'm middle class" I stood my ground not even arching my back when he marched closer. Before he could answer I heard "Let her go" In a stern but silent tone, we all turned to see Johnny and the gang in the doorway of the hangout. "Do you wanna pass that by me again?!" The soc screamed and reached to grab my arm, I caught his hand peacefully. "Don't touch me" I managed to stay calm through clamped teeth, "I can touch you when ever I want" he whispered and reached to grab my arm again. I felt a sudden rush of adrenalin, I battle axe swung my fist into his jaw, he let go of my arm and used both hands to hold the side of his face. The gang ran and grabbed all my friends, after the soc I hit recovered and started to get up realized what I did, I full in sprinted out the door, I looked back to see Two-bit following me the running up next to me. "Holy smokes you punched the guy, I'm glad you did, who knows what he would've done if you didn't, I hope you can keep up with me!" Two-bit said between breathes if his steady running pattern. " I feel kinda guilty hitting him, I just don't like doing that sorta things and don't worry I'll make sure to not fall behind too much" I smiled and kept running with him. We stopped when we came to my house, a red truck pulled up next to us, we were both ready to run again but it's only my friends and the gang. "You guys ok?" I said out of breath, "yah were fine, but you hit that soc! I mean no foolin Abby!" Olive folded her arms and smiled brightly. "We'll in glad you guys are ok, see you guys tomorrow" I waved goodbye to everyone in the truck and they drove away. "We'll I'll see you on Monday" Two-bit spun me slightly, "what's on Monday?" I asked confused. "It's a surprise, don't make any plans from 5-8 that's when it's gonna happen" he winked, hugged me and ran down the street and jumped into the back of the red pick up truck.

I walked into my house trying not to bring any attention to me but ended up doing so. I told my parents about the karaoke but left the whole soc thing out of the conversation. I ran upstairs and brushed my teeth, showered, and put on pajamas them leaped into my welcoming bed. My brain ceased to shut down because of what Two-bit told me, what could be on monday? I'm really exited actually, I'm really happy to be dating him. I always thought I wanted a perfect a blond haired blue eyed athletic boyfriend who's just like me. But now I'm more grown up I now know what I want in a boyfriend. A brown haired grey eyed sensitive and caring boyfriend who runs with you when you hit a soc.................. A strong individual who has fun in even the most boring of times............... The kinda guy who I love.........

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