Chapter 33

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My Saturday and Sunday went by fast, I didn't appreciate that. I listened to music and later in my bed all day Saturday, for Sunday I went to church and ate food all day ,Really boring I know. I haven't gotten the script for the play yet so I couldn't practice my lines. Monday came fast and I dragged my feet to get ready, I reluctantly threw on a dark blue long sleeve top and a white tule skirt with my white converse and my yellow necklace. I brushed my teeth, put on deodorant, and applied makeup. I slopped into the car and looked out the car window becoming lost in thought. We came to school fast and my sister and I jumped out of the car, my mother waved goodbye and we went into school. I sat in my seat in math class, my teacher didn't talk abut anything new, so I wasn't really listening. The same routine went on for the rest of my classes, including drama and choir, at leased we got our scripts so we can practice. Lunch finally came thou, I met up with Delilah and we walked to the table together, the others caught up with us a few minuets later. "Did you guys have fun at the dance last Friday?" Flo asked, "tons, I really like Dally, and I mean a lot. People say he's mean but he's really nice to me" she bit her lip and twirled her hair. "How about you Abby?" Delilah clutched her books tight, "I had a lot of fun! The gangs so nice, I'm glad I got to know Two-bit better" I smiled content at them. "Olive, how did you like it" I asked her casually, no one besides Two-bit and I know that her and Johnny kissed. "Oh it was great, real great" her cheeks look like fire she's blushing so hard, I think she's still mad about the shoe lace thing, but it brought them closer, get it! Closer, because their tied together. "How about you Delilah?" Ellie-May shook her shoulder, "I had a great time, I hope we can all do something like that again" she played a fake smile, I know something's wrong. But I just don't know what, I'll just ask her. "Delilah, what's wrong?" I whispered to her making sure no one else could hear, "yah, what makes you think something's wrong?" She played dumb. "You gave a fake smile, and you've been quite the whole day, that's why I think something's wrong" I whispered a little louder, "nothings wrong" she walked faster to get out of the conversation. Theirs defiantly something wrong but she doesn't want to talk about it so I guess I should let the subject go.

School lagged on for the rest of the day, you know those kinds of days, the ones you want to lay on your bed and fall asleep forever. The bell rang loudly and everyone ran out of the class room to go home, I walked with the railing so it could keep me up. Two-bit came barreling through the halls, "Hey Abby! Steve's birthday is tomorrow, can you help me make him a surprise birthday cake? The whole gangs giving him a surprise birthday party and it's my responsibility to make the cake this time! You can bring someone with you if you want" he slid in the waxed school floor and pleaded. "Sure, do you need me to bring anything?" I caught him from falling, "No, just some outside clothes, it could get messy baking" he flashed his pearly white teeth. "What time?" I smiled with him, "5:00 at the Curtis house, is that good?" His eyes shinned, "great, I'll be their. I'll see if I can bring anyone" I saluted him playfully. "Thank you Sargent, don't be late" he saluted back, then ran off towards the doors. I can't help smiling with him around. It must be impossible to hold a grudge against him, you know those kinds of people, the ones who you can't stay mad at. I finally made it outside of my school to the car, "What took you so long?" My mother looked to the back seat. "Sorry, I started talking with someone" I turned to her then turned back to the window to think, I should probably call up Flo to come with, she's really good at organizing and decorating. When we got home that's exactly what I did, I said hi to everyone and went strait to the telephone. "Hello Flo, the gang needs help getting ready for a surprise party for Steve tomorrow. Can you come over to the Curtis house at 5:00 with me to help?" I fiddled with the telephone cord, "Of course! Steve's birthday! I'm so exited, I'll be sure to make it extra special, I'll meet you at your house!" Her voice buzzed, she hung up before I could say ok. I slipped into dark skinny jeans, my pink flannel, and black converse with my yellow necklace. I got my hair and made a side fishtail braid and relaxed on my bed waiting for Flo. She knocked hard on the door, "Abby, it's 4:25! We can't be late!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me, "bye momma, by daddy! I'm going to the Curtis house to help them organize Steve's birthday party!" I had hardly enough time to say before Flo yanked me out of my house.

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