Chapter 21

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"Wake up girls, we've got a lot to do today" I heard Darry knock on our tent, "were coming" I knocked back to him. "Why are we up so early?" Flo's hair looks like a field of corn, "we'll we gotta get up I guess" Delilah struggled to escape get sleeping bag prison. someone threw in our suitcases, I picked an outfit with an white grey, and black plad shirt, (I like to wear plad when I camp) dark skinny jeans, and my black hiking boots with my yellow necklace. We all headed to the bathroom to do our hair and hygienic things. I flat ironed mine and flattened my side bangs so I didn't have to pin them up. Flo pretty much used a whole can if hairspray on her hair, Olive braided hers, Delilah's is curled, and Ellie-Mays is put into a high pony. "Who's gonna give you a lesson today Abby?" Olive stood right next to me as we walked, "I don't know, we'll find out". Camp was full of smoke when we came back, "what's going on?" I had to yell a little bit for anyone to hear me, "Oh uh Pony-boy put wet and dry leaves in the fire" we saw a silhouette of Darry "I said I was sorry!" Pony-boy coughed " we'll you just gotta use your head boy!" Darry coughed back. Once the smoke cleared Darry handed out the lesson plan. "okay, Delilah your going to give a lesson for Abby about how to be a Soc, and dally will teach Abby how to throw a knife, sound good?" Oh my gosh throw a knife, I'm screaming inside . "Yah sounds great" I could barely get that sentence out without spazzing out, "okay Delilah, we'll give you two hours to give Her a lesson" Darry scooted Delilah and I off into the woods. We didn't walk for that long until we got to a empty spot. "So if your gonna be a Soc you have to be really social, you already are but you have to be social with guys" she looked at me confidentially and sat me down on a tree stump, "practice on me, pretend I'm a boy" her posture slurred a bit when she said it, I guess that's how boys stand. "Ok...You look great today" I think she noticed that I'm having trouble doing this, "So that's not going to work, how about on a real guy. let's go to the nearest camp site and see if we can find some boys to practice on" she practically dragged me till we found one "ok so theirs a boy, he looks high schooler. Now go practice" I felt a nudge and I went flying down the hill and landed in front of him. "Oh hello my names Abby, nice to meet you" I acted like I didn't just come tumbling down a hill. About 20 minuets later I came back with his phone number "that was embarrassing" I said while giving the paper to Delilah "no no you were great! We should call it a day, my time almost up" she held the paper up as if it was a trophy, maybe she liked him and wants to call him later. "we're back" I announced, "did you learn anything?" Soda-pop sat up and looked at us both "yah, I learned what it feels like to fall down a hill gracefully" I said joking around with her. "Dally, your up" Darry called from his news paper. "Right, follow me Abby" dally started walking, and I followed.

We came to a big tree "So Abby you have to throw this knife into that tree, got it?" Dally was holding out two knifes. "uhh yah" I took the smallest knife, angled it, and threw it to the best of my ability. it didn't even stick into the wood, "No you have to flick your wrist" he took the second knife and flung it strait into the tree. my jaw dropped a bit, "Now try again" he said handing me the knife I failed to throw. I got the knife, aimed it, and missed again. 20 tries later dally started to get agitated "Okay... LAST TIME, here is the knife, flick your wrist when you throw it" he crashed the knifes handle into my hand. I angled it, and Struck the knife into the wood "YES. I did it dal, I did it!" I jumped up and down leaping and bounding into the air. "Yah good job" he patted me on the shoulder. "let's head back to camp" he turned me around and lead me back.

Dally ***P:O:V***
Dang it took Abby forever to trow a knife, I know she ain't a greaser but it's common sense man. Now Ellie-May on the other hand, boy she'd stick it the first time. She's real something, and her eyes are sharp. I like that, and she's real tough to, she's a grease. I expect nothing less, I actually don't mind her Soc friends. Flo doesn't seem to hate me at all......
End of Dally's ***P:O:V***

"Hey guys I did it!" I said cheerfully. "Great job" everyone told me. "What you guys want to do now?" Two-bit asked, "let's all go swimming" Steve jumped from his seat. "Yah, we've got about 4 more hours of daylight, why not?" Pony-boy agreed "sounds good, are you girls in for it?" Darry placed his hand on my shoulder. "Sure, we've got to put in our bathing suits though" Flo Grabbed everyone's suitcases and we all followed her to the bathroom. My bathing suit is yellow and black, Ellie-Mays is maroon, Olives is grey and pink, Flo's is rainbow, and Delilah's is navy blue. Our bathing suits are all bikinis so I put on a big t-shirt to cover my stomach (I hate wearing bikinis in front of boys). We all traveled down to the lake, it's really close to wear we set up camp, and brought out towels, and beach chairs. "Come in guys jump on in!" Yelled Pony-boy running full speed from the deck into the water. He was followed by everyone except for Delilah Flo and I, were more of a "wait a while before you get into the water, and then slowly go in" kind of girls. Darry sat on the Sand reading his paper. 15 minuets later we all got in to the lake, "You guys finally decided to get in" Two-bit playfully splashed water in our direction. "We just take our time that's all" Flo wadded closer to everyone, Delilah and I followed. "let's play chicken fight" Steve dove underwater and came back up with Flo on his shoulders, "let's do it!" Soda did the same as Steve but came up with Delilah instead. And Johnny picked Olive up. "Do I have to play?" I asked everyone. But before anyone heard me I grew 4 feel in the air, "Yes your playing" Two-bit eizccwas under me holding my legs. It frightened me, I didn't realize how strong he is. We played chicken fight for 3 minuets and their was only Johnny, Olive, and Two-bit and I left still standing. I don't want to push Olive into the water, that'll make me sad, I just sat their thinking "Jesus take the wheel" and We feel. But Olive didn't push us, Two-bit just fell on his own. As Johnny and Olive celebrated their winning with a passionate hug I turned to Two-bit. "Why did you fall down on your own?" I said floating on a rubber tire (the lake has stuff you can use on the shore) "I knew you didn't want to push Olive so I just gave up" He calmly told me without being a little bit envious of Johnny or Olives win.

We all got out when it was to dark to see anything, we started a fire and sat all around it. "Let's play truth or dare!" Soda-pop scooted closet to the fire, "Yah why not, how bout Dally start us of" Johnny slowly crept his arm closer to Olives. "Sure man, okay Darry truth or dare" "truth" Darry sat expressionless. "Have you ever dated anyone" "yes" "Darry's turn" Steve yodeled, "Ellie-May, truth or dare" "dare" "you have to burry yourself in the sand for the rest of the game" She walked over to a empty spot next to everyone and dug and dug until he plopped herself in hole and filled it with sand, her head is the on untying that's sticks out. "okay, Soda-pop, truth or dare?" She struggled to speak, "truth" "what's the weirdest thing you've ever done?" "Eat a cookie of the ground", "Truth or dare Delilah" "dare" "you have to go jump in the lake" since it's freezing she was hesitant but she did it. poor thing she was like a Popsicle, "okay Johnny, truth or dare?" Her teeth chattered "Dare" "you have to put your hand around Olives shoulder for the rest of the game" He looked right at Olive and blushed uncontrollably. But he did it, and they looked really scared too, "ummm Steve truth or dare?" "DARE BABY!" "You've gotta put two coconuts in your shirt" we all knew what he wanted Steve to do, and he gladly found two coconuts and did as he was told. "Is this how girls feel?" He balanced them out awkwardly. "Flo, truth or dare?" "Truth" "have you ever kissed anyone before?" "No" she giggled a little. "Truth or dare Abby?" "Dare" "you and Two-bit have to walk over to that camp site over their and do an improve show for them all" she pointed to an site about 30feet away. "We all have to come watch to" she added with a smile. "Fine" I answered her. "this is considered Two-bits dare as we'll" Dally patted Two-bit on the shoulder" Two-bit and I walked over to the camp site along with everyone, Johnny's hand still on Olives shoulder, but we made an exception for Ellie-May dare, she had to come watch the show. When we came to the site we told everyone to sit down and watch our show. "Lady's and gentlemen, we would like to preform an improve show for you tonight, we need a object, and a place" I Presented us the best I could then whispered to Two-bit "you pick on hands", "I don't know how to do this" he said desperately. "You'll be fine, I looked right into his eyes to tell him everything's gonna be ok. "You in the yellow sweater" his voice shaky "An elephant" the yellow sweater kid yelled. "For a place the little girl in the lovely polkadot dress" Two-bit stared to get the hang of it, "the jungle" she laughed. I could've see that her laughter made him feel good because he stood a foot taller when she laughed. "We are now going to start" I waved my hand saying "its time to start". "We are hea in tha jungleaa looking foa the aisian elephant, I am your tour guid Mrs.Chingltonnnnn" I used my British ascent. "Oh hea is the Elephant in all of its bea beauty, look at thous ankles!" I pointed to Two-bit, "ppphhhhhhhh" he used his hand as a trunk and blew sounding like more of a duck than an elephant, but that's the fun of improve "He's a little Gassy today people" I whispered to the audience. I can feel Two-bit starring, but it's ok. "I'm mr Gordon the elephan, and Mrs. Chingltonnnnn had been a really bad tour guide. So I'm gonna take over her job" he took out a palm tree leaf as if it was acting as a your guid hat. "But it my job" I took the leaf and put it in my own head. "How about we share he job" Two-bit ripped the leaf in half and put one on his head and one on my head" and we both said "The End" everyone clapped and we started walking back sense the game is over. I looked to Johnny and Olive to see that his arm was still around her shoulder, even thigh he didn't have to anymore.

When we came back to camp my friends and I went strait to the bathroom and took showers brushed out teeth and got our pjs on. We were all really tired so we said goodnight to everyone and went strait to bed. "That's improve show you and Two-bit was good, you two should do it more often" Delilah's eyes were gleaming from the moonlight coming into the tent. "Yah, we should" I said closing my eyes and remembering when I looked into his eyes and he liked into mine. If only.... If only......

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