Chapter 30

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I woke up to Sunday, I have to get up early to go to church with my family. The party went on for such a long time I couldn't even get up, so my parents left me home, I felt a little guilty but I could barely stand up with out falling down. I laid in bed just looking at the ceiling, growing tired I closed my eyes for a minuet and opened them to a dark room. I looked out the window, I slept till the sun went down! I heard a knock at the door, "Abby, you slept the whole dang time, dinners ready if your hungry" Gracie came by my bed and shook my shoulder, I'm practically starving! I ran as fast as I could down stairs, "glad your finally up" my mother put a plate of food I front of me, I smiled at her "Yah, I didn't mean to sleep in that long" I looked to everyone before eating. "Well it took you long enough to get up" Keeley said rolling her eyes, I just ignored it and kept eating. After dinner the whole family watched some tv together, then we all went to bed, I'm not very tired but schools tomorrow so I guess it doesn't hurt to sleep for a while more.

Monday came fast, but I'm well rested so it won't be a huge struggle to get up. I put on my white tule skirt, my light pink long sleeve t-shirt, and white high heels with my yellow necklace. It's getting colder, now that it's December 12, so goodbye shirtsleeve shirts, I prefer long sleeves anyway. I applied natural make up and dud my regular routine of deodorant and brushing my teeth them walked down stairs to eat breakfast. I gathered my backpack and got into the car to go to school, it doesn't take long to get their. I got their early so I walked slower than usual, I saw Pony-boy running to the drama room, "were are you going?" I stopped him, "The cast list is up! Come on" He smiled and dragged me with him. We scrolled down the list looking for our names, "Wow I got Tony?!" Pony-boy looked away from the list smiling. "Hey good for you! I got Anita" I patted his back and smiled with him, I'm very happy with my part, I'm really happy for Pony-boy thou! He got the big guy role, hope he knows that theirs gonna be some mushy love stuff in their. "You got the part you wanted!" He looked close to the list, "Yah I did, I'm very thankful" I chirped. The day dragged on slowly like usual, I'm just happy I slept in because the choir concert is today. Drama class is full of crying, smiles and jealousy when he cast list comes out. But that's how we all bond with each other, it went by pretty fast thou, so did the rest of the day. Mornings are the longest and hardest to bare for me, I caught up with some things at lunch, some breakups went down and I needed to get all of the details. After school I went home and started getting ready for the concert, it's a simple outfit, just a long boring black dress and black flats. It's to boring for me so I always add a little flare to it by attaching a black sparkly collar necklace and black glittery eyeliner. "Ready for the concert Abby?" My mother came knocking on my door, "Yes, I'm ready" I smoothed my dress and got into the car with her, "Im so happy that you like to do choir darling, your father and I are very proud of you" my mother and I always have talks on the way to places, that's something we share together. "Thank you, I enjoy it" I smiled at her. She always tries to encourage me because I'm so different from my sisters, sense I'm the middle kid it's really easy to forget about me, but I try to make sure that doesn't happen. They've forgotten me at grocery stores, theme parks, and at school but it's ok, they have three daughters, I don't take it to heart most of the times.

I said goodbye to my mother and walked into the school to the choir room to warm up, mrs.Iola is stressed out sometimes before concerts but she never shows it, she's very uplifting. We ran through some vocal warmups, and stretched, just the basic things to do before we all hit the stage to preform. "everyone put your hands in the circle and wish us a good performance" mrs.Iola instructed, we all did what she said and crossed our fingers. Sense I'm one of the tallest girls in my choir class I had to lead the soprano group on the stage, I don't mind this very much, I'm not horribly tall but Im not at all short. We lined up on the risers and stood strait and tall with the lights beating down on us, I looked out into the audience to see my mother waving, I smiled. I kept looking around, I feel like theirs someone else in the audience that I know, my eyes squinted to see people in the back, but I can't identify any of them. Mrs.Iola stepped into the stage, introduced us, then raised her hands to tell the pianist to start, and for us to get ready. I heard the piano begin to play and that's when our singing starts, the first song went great, everyone cheered. That's when I saw 11 people in the back row stand up and start clapping, "Oh my gosh it's my friends and the gang!" I started sweating, I discreetly dabbed my forehead, I'm fine when people Come to my drama performances, I just hate singing in front of people. Mrs.Iola raised her hands again to start another song, I started freaking, I started swaying back and forth (that's how I cope) my shoulder partner steadied my balance and stood me up strait, I stayed strait but I could feel my legs starting to sway, but I forced them to stay put. We started singing the second song, my voice cracked and a few people liked at me, I started singing quieter so people wouldn't notice, when the song ended I sighed in relief. We all bowed and left the stage, "oh my gosh I'm sweating like a dog in a Chinese restaurant!" I untied my dress while talking to everyone in choir, "yah we noticed" they all started getting out of the dresses, "why were you so nervous, you never get nervous" one of the girls asked me, "we'll some of my friends were out in the audience" I said while putting on my regular outfit. "Were they the ones standing up while clapping?" Someone came up behind me and asked, "yah" I laughed a little, "say no more" everyone laughed with me. I walked out of the dressing room now in my regular clothes from school, "honey you did so we'll, you looked a little anxious thou" my mamma hugged me, "it's ok, really I'm fine" I reassured her. The gang came running down the aisle, "good job Abby! We would be told you we were coming to see yah but we wanted it to be a surprise!" Pony-boy shook my hand, "Thanks guys, glad you could all make it!" I said happily hugging them all, "It was really good" Johnny said while holding Olives hand, "Yah sure was!" Steve bellowed loud enough for everyone in the state to hear him. "Thank you for coming to see Abby preform, your all so wonderful" my mamma pulled everyone into a hug (my family and I are big huggers) "You sing real nice" Soda-pop told me, "Yah, tell us when you and Pony are gonna preform in that play" Two-bit rubbed in Pony-boys thick greased hair and looked me in the eyes. "Don't worry, I will. Aren't you happy about getting the main role Pony-boy!?" I smiled at Two-bit and Pony. "Yah I guess, I hope I don't mess it up" he rubbed his neck, "Don't worry, I'm always here to help yah if you need me" I gave him a friendly hug. "Well it's nice to see you again, we beat be heading of, see you later mrs.Mingle" Darry scooted the gang out the door and shook my mothers hand. My friends chatted with me for a little bit, then they all left together. "Those are some nice boys, in so glad their your friends" my mother waved goodbye.

The car ride back home was chatty, "Honey, Olive was telling me about the dance that's going on in a week. Aren't you exited, I mean you got a real pretty dress and everything" my mother gripped the steering wheel. "Of course I'm exited, I love dances!" I gave her a happy but confused look, "That's great, but your 15 and I'm making sure no boys are asking you to the dance, you know your not allowed to, and I hate thinking if you going behind our backs and getting a date anyway" she held the steering wheel even tighter. "You know I wouldn't do that" I put my hand on hers trying to loosen her grip. "Ok, but if any boys ask you then you say absolutely not" I pointed at me but kept her eyes on the road, I guess it's time for me to avoid every boy in school. I hate turning boys down, they hiked up their skirt enough to ask me, it makes my stomach feel knotted. When we got home I did my regular routine to go to bed, then went down stairs to eat some dinner, we had to reheat it thou. I ran up stairs and jumped into my bed, gosh I'm so tired, I couldn't sleep thou. The choir concert still made me anxious just thinking about it, at leased let came and didn't just blow it off. That's a sign of a good friendship...Im so luck to have friends like that... Grey eyed and all......

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