Chapter 53

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The next morning, everyone started walking home together early in the morning. We would all rotate visiting him throughout the day. We all walked with each other down the sidewalk when Dally spotted soc's across the street staring directly at us. The gang didn't loose eye contact with them and strode across the street scowling. My friends and I stayed on the concrete and glanced around the soc's, 3 girls about our age rolled their eyes and swung their hair over their shoulders in disgust. "We'll two can play at that game" Ellie-May cracked her knuckles and strode towards them. Delilah and Flo trailed behind, sense theirs soc's too I would imagine it would be awkward for them. "You do realize your walking around in public in those jeans right?" A bleach blond girl in medium hight pointed to Olives pants and started laughing with her friends. Olive blushed uncontrollably and his behind Ellie-May. "Oh by the way, Clarabell the clown called she wants her makeup back" Ellie-May put her hand on her hip and smirked.

"We'll well, looks like the greaser trash had something too say" a short brown haired girl with huge lips pocked out from behind one of the girls. Ellie-May looked embarrassed, and didn't say anything. "Hey knock it off will ya! If you want to play dirty than play on someone else's time" I pushed my way up till I was 2 inches away from her face. "As soon as our Boyfriends start in on your friends, it's bye bye face cause were gonna pound the stuffing out of you" the girl poked from behind again, but the Blonde rolled her eyes and pushed her head back. "Zip it Tracy!" She scowled. "Okay Veronica, Okay" she backed down

I looked over to were the gang stood face to face with the soc's, Darrel held his hand out to a tall brown haired guy and they shook hangs slowly, still glaring at each other.

"We'll we will just see you at the fight then, girls aren't aloud to come bit we can pull some strings, if your not chicken" Veronica style her dainty hand towards me, I look around at my friends, they already look warmed up, so I gladly shook her hand. "Good, well see you at the rumble then..." Tracy stuck her tongue out and escaped back behind her tall friends. "Great" I smiled politely, everyone should be nice to people, even when their about to get into a rumble with them. Veronica peered around my shoulder and looked at Delilah and Flo angrily. "Traders" she hissed, and walked away, along with the other soc's.

"We'll girls, the rumbles on!" Darrel rubbed the back of his neck looking tired but smiling. "It's at 6:30 pm,sorry we can't hang out today" He said. "Oh were coming too, Abby and Veronica shook on it" Delilah said looking proud, I winced, the lat thing they want to happen are girls joining a rumble. "Well it'll be our little secret" Darrel smiled roughly.

Everyone got ready for the fight in the Curtis house. I went home to my family before then, I hate for them to worry about me. At 6:00, I changed into pants and an old t-shirt and asked my daddy to drive me to the Curtis house. "Sure sweetie, as long as your back by 7:00, it's a school night" he hugged me softly (I love his hugs) and went to the car to drive me.

He dropped me off in the front of their house, I kissed him in the cheek and waved goodbye. From the house, I heard telling and howling. They must be getting ready, boys must get ready like that I guess. I walked through the door, seeing Soda and Steve arm wrestling and everyone wake just being crazy, Delilah and Flo sat on the couch quietly waiting in pants and shirts like me. "Let's have some fun!" Steve shrieked with cake smeared on his face, everyone started to head out. Darrel stopped Pony-boy, probably lecturing him too stay, but he ended up tagging along.

Everyone did backflips of the porch an pounded the parked cars. all the girls just walked in a line and talked amongst ourselves. We came to the lot in no time, the soc's are lined up ready to fight. The girls are just sitting on the car relaxing. "Are you ready Darrel?" What seems to be the head soc's wrinkled his forehead. "Whenever you are" Darry folded his arms tensely and waited. In no time, Someone threw the first punch and they l started in on each other. I myself don't like watching people beat down on each other, it's not my cup of tea. A few minuets later, Veronica and her friends started approaching us, my friends and I stood up and met them half way.

She didn't say anything, she looked and Olive, and punched her in the gut. She fell to the ground. I felt so angry, I flung my fist square into her jaw. I admit, I felt bad, but no one hits Olive under my watch... Then my friends and her friends started fighting. Pulling hair and kicking shins don't feel that good if you know what I mean. I threw Veronica to the ground and looked at her in the eyes. "Why do you not like greasers" I said curiously. "It's because we have too... It's the rules..." she squirmed around and kicked free. After about 5 more minuets of fighting, the soc's and greasers called a draw. We all simply got up and parted ways. Olive had to have a piggy back ride because her stomach was punched over and over, Ellie-May has a busted lip, I have a little bit of a gash above my eyebrow, but surprisingly, Flo and Delilah look the worst out of all of us. It just shows how mean us girls are.

The gangs bloodied faces need some serious first aid, so when we got to the Curtis house my friends and I started cleaning them up. Ellie-May insisted to fix up Soda-pop, I think she likes him. He didn't argue so he must like her too then. Two-bits whole lip and nose are soaked in blood from the rumble, I took a wet cloth and started dabbing it. "Thanks Abby, you've got a scar on you" his face look worried and he reached out to touch it. "It's nothing, it doesn't hurt, really. Let's just focus on you right now" I got bandages out and started wrapping his arm witch have bite marks covering them. "Wow, someone got aggressive out their with biting you and all" I half laughed and looked up to see him staring at me. "What?" I asked him puzzled. "You don't realize how much I'm gonna miss you during summer" he smiled his signature smile. "I don't think I do" I smiled and continued to wrap his arm.

"Seriously thou" he put his hands in my shoulders and angled me so I looked him strait in the eyes. "Don't worry, I'll miss you slit too. But I know your doing what you want to do. So have fun" I put my hands on his to reassure him. When I finished cleaning him up, I stood but Two pulled me right back down into his arms. "I love you Birdie" he kissed the top of my head. "I love you too Teddy bear" I leaned back into his arms.

My fathers car horn beeped and I hastily got up. Two-bit popped up to so he could walk me out. My daddy said thank you and Two returned the gesture. We drive home while listening to music and talking with each other. My mamma and sisters greeted me to a game of monopoly for us to play together. My mother ended up winning (as always) and they sent us up to bed. I had no problem with it of course, sense I'm exhausted. I took a shower brushed my teeth and Got into my pajamas fast, then combed my hair and got into bed. What does Veronica mean by what she said? Theirs not a law about having to hate greasers.... Is their? I mean it's pretty silly how their always at each others throats. Maybe it's because they don't know any better. They grew up with so much hate that now.... Now that's the only thing they know........ Just as long as theirs love in your heart for everyone.... Thats a great start....... I don't think I'll he participating in anymore rumbles......... Their pointless...... Besides, id much rather be talking with Two-bit and playing monopoly with my family......

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