5: bushes

52 6 6

(Y/N)'s POV

The stranger took a seat right behind me.

Once my stop arrived, I decided to get down at another stop because obviously I didn't want him to know where I lived.

But it was like, he was waiting for me to get out of the bus.
I was feeling super anxious at this point so I decided to call one of my brothers. But what freaked me out was, that my phone had died.


I didn't know what to do. So I patiently waited, hoping that he would get down somewhere and stop following me.
But what I thought never happened.

The bus slowly got empty. The last stop arrived and the stranger got up.

He knew I had to get down at this point.
So he casually walked out of the bus, and waited for me to come out too.

I took a deep breath.
"I guess I'll have to run." I thought to myself, even though I wasn't sure if I was fast enough to get away.
As I walked out of the bus, I felt a hand grab my wrist. I turned around and found a familiar young guy.


"Do you know him?" He asked me, while staring at the stalker.

I shook my head in disagreement. He let go of my wrist and walked out of the bus first. He stood in front of me, as if he was shielding me from the stranger.

I felt a wave of relief wash over me after realising that I wasn't alone anymore.

"I think you should move away if you don't wanna be hurt kid." The stranger grunted. But the guy didn't even budge.

The stranger made a move and tried punching him, but Taehyung swiftly dodged him and punched him back harder, causing the stranger's mouth to bleed.
The stranger groaned in pain and I expected him to run away, but what happened next was shocking.

The stranger took out a knife and smiled.

I could see the blood lining his creepy grin.

A knife.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that." I said awkwardly, while backing away.
"Me neither." Said Taehyung as he grabbed my hand.
"Huh?" Before I could say anything else, he pulled me along and started running.

We ran as fast as we could and somehow managed to get away from the stalker. We ended up stopping at a park while panting heavily.

I looked at Taehyung who was leaning against a tree while trying to catch his breath.

"I was expecting you to karate chop him or something, but okay..." I said, and then looked around trying to figure out where I was.

He made an annoyed expression.
"You're dumb." He replied.

I looked back at him with a confused face, "Excuse you?"

He rolled his eyes with disinterest. I ran and caught up to him when he attempted to walk away.
I stopped him.
"Hey you can't leave just like that! Why would you say that?" I asked.

"First, The man had a knife. How am I supposed to fight him? Sacrifice myself?" He shrugged.

He had a point.

"Why didn't you call anyone if you knew you were being followed?" He asked fixing his hair with his hand.

"Well my phone had died. What else could I have done?" I said.

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