Chapter One

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Chapter One


"So what are your plans for today?" I asked, cupping my hands around my steaming cup of tea. Louis got me addicted to Yorkshire. That was the only kind of tea I drank now. The steam rose up and tickled my nose.

"Umm . . . We have an interview later."


"Two." He continued as I gave him a little nod.

"I get to see all the boys today then!" I grinned a little. I started to mutter about how I should get the house ready. "Do you think the girls will come along . . . to-" I stopped talking, looking up at Niall. I noticed a small smirk forming on his face. He looked at Liam then back at me. I started to bring the cup to my mouth but noticed his suddenly odd behavior. While my tea was still in midair, I knitted my eyebrows together. He grinned.

"Wait-" I put my cup down, eyes widening. "You want to bring him-" I pointed at our baby. "Oh no, Niall."

"Please, honey! Everyone's been asking about the baby! People have been begging us for interviews and photo shoots."

"He's only a month old!"

"He's got all his shots, so why not?"

I sighed, pouting a bit. Niall had a point. He gotten all his shots which was painful seeing Liam poked and prodded by needles and hearing his shrill cries.

"Just make sure he's all bundled up." I muttered as Niall cheered in victory. He quickly kissed my lips, a sign of a thank you.

"Thank you, Princess."

"Don't drop him, support his head when you do carry him and if Louis holds that baby, Lord forbid he does but please, please, please keep an eye on that boy and don't-" Niall quickly shut me up with another kiss. At first I was mad that he interrupted me, but eventually I fell under his submission, kissing his tender lips. He pulled back, looking at me with a smirk.

"Don't get cocky, now. That won't work everytime." I warned him as he laughed a little. He adorably looked down at his plate of food as his melodious laugh filled my ears.

"As long as I get to kiss you." His eyes returned up to mine.

"You're cute." I glanced at the time. It was almost eleven. "Ni, we should get going. I'm sure you have to do hair and makeup and all."

"Lou has a new assistant, you know?" I gave him a little smile as he spoke, picking at my oatmeal. "since Lux is getting bigger,"

"How's the new assistant?"

"She's good. Not as fun as Lou, but still fun." Niall shifted a little uncomfortably in his seat. He quickly changed the subject. "Have you seen Baby Lux? She's walking now. Little cutie."

"I'm sure Harry was there when she took her first steps." I grinned a little. Harry took care of Lux like she was his own. Spoiled the girl rotten even though he had a little girl of his own on the way.

"Liam'll be taking his steps soon." Niall quickly scooped up the baby after we cleaned up at our little booth. We rushed home and I immediately sent Niall to the showers so he wouldn't be late.

Niall hadn't changed at all. He still sang in the shower and danced around like the carefree boy he was. He still played his guitar and sang me to sleep sometimes. He made time for me, even in his hetic lifestyle I still wasn't used too. Sometimes it was lonely. Daniella, Hazel, and Tori were an hour away and I couldn't just hop on a plane when I wanted to see them. I didn't regret moving out to Ireland. It helped me grow closer to Niall's family. I didn't have much family of my own besides my aunt and cousin so they filled the empty voids in my heart. Maura was as much as a mother to me as Aunt May was. The two got along so well.

I ticked Liam's tummy as his cute giggles spilled out of his little mouth. A big smile grew on my face as his sea blue eyes opened up a little wider out of happiness. The little boy was perfect. He was mine. Niall's and mine.

I slipped on his warm baby clothes, the sets Louis and Meg - who was now his wife - got me. Of course, he bought me the little set that said 'My Uncle's the Best' and the little beanies to keep his head warm.

"Niall?!" I shouted from the baby room. "You ready?!"

"Yeah! Liam ready?"

"He is now! I'll be watching from the telly." I ran down the stairs, Liam in my hands. Niall laughed, looking down at his outfit.

"Louis is gonna love this. I can practically hear his cheering in the distance." He grinned a little. "All right, honey. Be back soon. The lads will probably want to see you so we'll crash back here. I love you." He kissed my cheek.

"Love you too." I kissed his, Liam's head, and sent him off. He blew me a kiss from his Range Rover and I blew him one back with a little giggle.

I prayed silently that he'd keep this baby safe. I also was a little tense at the fact that the boys had a new stylist, probably younger than Lou and I and she'd have her hands all over my husband's face.

In Between || Sequel to Lucky MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin