Chapter Fourteen

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yay twinsies. babies. yay. okay. i don't know. Big thanks to all of you! All your names were absolutely lovely. I have three winners. I kind of incorporated a couple into one, so hope you like them!


I was so glad when the babies finally came. Would I sound like an awful mother if I expressed how happy I was when they were out of me?

The delivery went by smoothly and the doctor said the babies were healthy and being cleaned up. I was practically in tears. I was afraid I'd lose the children. The dream I'd had about losing the babies haunted me both day and night. I didn't tell Niall, but by the way he held me a little tighter as we slept, I could tell he knew something wasn't right. It was a nightmare I prayed wouldn't come true.

"Hazel got me more diapers." I huffed. The baby shower they had thrown for me was quite extravagant and bigger than I thought. I tossed it into the huge pile. "Thanks, babe. It's just what I wanted." I gave her an extra fake smile.

"But wait," Hazel gasped dramatically. "There's more!"

"Okay?" I gave her a funny look. Niall and the guys laughed at my reaction. I think Niall was video taping all of this. "Are you pulling an Oprah move on me? Where's my car?"

"Addie." Dani laughed.

"Is Beyonce in this box?"

"You're stupid." A happy and healthy Lacey laughed.

"Why have Beyonce in a box when you could have me in one?" Louis chirped. "That's what we should've done."

"Oh yeah, she'd put you in a box all right." Niall mumbled with a tiny laugh.

"With a lock and no key." Meg smiled, earning a high five from Niall.

"Okay, no. What did you guys get me?" I asked.

"The guys thought it was stupid." Lacey quickly said, making me suspicious. She sounded awfully nervous about a baby shower gift.

"Guys think everything is stupid." I shrugged.

"No, this was stupid." Meg said with a laugh.

"Megan, hush!" Hazel muttered. "Just open this one."

"Oh! And this one!" Dani shoved another big box in my direction.

"And there's a surprise in the babies' room!" Lacey squealed.

"On a scale of one to Harry's butterfly tattoo, how stupid was this?" I asked.

"Hey!" Harry yelled, which made everyone laugh.

"It was a solid eight." Liam, the adult, said.

"Oh." Not scared at all now. Totally. "Okay, then."

"Maybe a nine." Maura mumbled.

"Nine. Definitely." Niall concluded, agreeing with his mother.

"If Tori was here, she'd talk about how foolish and unpractical you all are." Harry snorted.

"Tori's a very smart girl." I defended. "Where is she anyway? We did remember to invite her right? Aunt May? We did right?"

"Course, sweetheart. I'm sure she's just running late."

"Can you put Perrie's present over on the table, please? Thank you." I said tiredly. "Goodness, who's watching my child?"

"Your child is asleep, Adelaide. If you keep screaming like a banshee, your child will wake up and probably scream louder than you." My aunt said it all in one tone, making her sound like a robot. I don't know why but I burst out laughing at this.

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