Chapter Thirteen

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I need baby names and I wanted you guys to help out with them! :D contest timeeee!


Pregnant woman weren't recommended to be on planes when they were one month away from their due date, but I did it anyways. Niall, Liam, and I flew back out to England to officially announce to them that we were expecting. Liam was excited to see his uncles and aunts and cousins. I was happy to see my cousin and aunt. It felt like forever since I'd seen them.

I rested my head back into the seat, feeling a massive headache creeping back up to my head. I quietly groaned as Niall squeezed my hand.

"You okay?" He whispered.

"I'll be okay when the airplane lands." I forced a little smile. "Can you get me a water? I'll be okay."

"Sure, sweetie. Liam, do you want to call the flight attendant?"

It seemed like Liam had a little crush on her so he eagerly nodded. Earlier, he'd gone up to the cockpit and said hi to the pilot. Then the staff had recognized Niall and I and immediately flocked to Liam, talking about how cute he was. For the most part, he hid behind me or clung onto Niall's leg but he was taking quite a lot of liking towards one attendant named Heather.

I thought it was cute and Niall muttered something about him being a ladies man. My head was hurting so bad I couldn't laugh but he knew I knew he was probably right.

I stared out the window for a while until my eyes slowly closed. England wasn't too far away from here. I could hear it calling my name.

My dreams were strange. I dreamed of my daughters who hadn't been name yet. I had held them in my arms but the dream changed and seemed to get darker. My daughters weren't healthy and eventually lost their life to their sickness. I had woken up in tears until Niall calmed me down.

I tried to shove it away. It was merely a dream and a figment of my imagination, but oddly I felt as if it was a warning.

Niall dragged all our bags into the cab and gave the driver directions to Harry's flat, where our little get together was planned. Liam fell asleep as Niall made small talk with the cab driver.

"My wife's originally from here." Niall said, with a friendly smile.

"Oh really?" The driver asked, looking at me. "Where are you from?"


"You must've been in Ireland for a while! You don't even sound British anymore." The driver smiled a little.

"Look what you did, Niall!" I joked as we all burst out into laughter. "Took me away from my roots."

"Well, welcome back, love."

"You can't come in unless you name the baby after me." Tori stood at the door.

"Nice to see you too." I said sarcastically. "And yes, I'd love to come in."

"Promise that Victoria Horan will be a contender for the baby and you may enter."

"Liam, distract her!" I said, picking him up and shoving him in her direction. She had no choice but to catch the little boy in her arms and let me through.

"Aww, it's little Liam!" She squealed as she closed the door after Niall. "How old are you now? Five? Six?"

I tuned out to Tori's baby voice and ignored Niall who was setting our bags down. I was looking for Ethan. And Aunt May. And gosh, I wanted to see everyone.

"Oh, Addie, they're in the living room I think!"

There were balloons everywhere with flowers and food all around I went into the living room to find absolutely no one there. The TV was left on though, onto some random TLC show. The house was dead silent and I was starting to get a little worried.

"Tori, they're not - "

"SURPRISE!" Everyone popped out from their hiding places and yelled all at once, making me scream as they did too.


"Really?" Hazel mumbled, cocking her head to the side.

"YES." My head already exploded but gosh, I was so happy to see everyone, I didn't even get mad.

"Ethan!" I squealed, hugging him first.

"There's something different about you, cousin." He playfully said as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm pregnant, idiot." I said with a smile. "Josh? Where are you? It's been like forever!"

"How have you been, sweetheart?" He wrapped me in a huge hug.

"Pregnant. Tired. But all together lovely." I gave him a little squeeze as he laughed. "Missed you all so much."

"We missed you too."

"Soooo," Daniella squealed. "Is it a boy?"

"A girl?" Lacey piped up.

"Are you going to be the next octomom?" Tori's eyes were wide and directly at my stomach. Liam was balanced on her hip and giggling like mad. "Lord Jesus, forbid it."

"No!" I burst out into laughter. "Where's Niall? He has to be here for the announcement too."

"I have arrived." He said dramatically, popping up beside me. "I would like to happily announce that the Horan family," he grinned at me.

"Is becoming a family of five." My smile grew bigger as I saw everyone's eyes get big.

"Twins?!" My aunt May grabbed me by my shoulders.

"Two girls."

"Good luck with that, Niall." Zayn snorted.

"So you can't name it after me then." Harry pouted. "Harriet could work though, you know." Harry shrugged with a laugh.

"We haven't really thought of baby names yet." Niall muttered.

"When are you due?" Lacey said.

"Like next month." I said casually.

"Procrastination runs in our family." Ethan said and we all laughed.

"I kind of hoped you guys could help us out."

And the girls immediately all looked at each other before breaking out into huge grins and giggles. Hazel's old baby books were grabbed from Darcy's shelves and we discussed baby names as the guys went into the other room, and the girls thought of names that went together with Horan. Darcy and Liam, along with Daniella and Zayn's children were all playing together in their own rooms leaving the girls here to brainstorm.

We weren't making much progress but I was back with my girls and we were laughing and happy. That was all I needed. The babies kicked and kicked as our laughter grew. They were just as excited to come into this world, as I was for them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Okay. I. Need. Baby. Names.

So all the comments below must have baby names! Think of it as a little contest. I'll pick my favorite names and you guys can also vote for other people's suggestions that you liked! Remember, Addie's having two girls! Twins so if they can kind of sound similar. I don't mind at all! You get to decide :)

Vote, comment, fan, etc. etc. love you guys so much!

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