Chapter Ten

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Don't be too confused guys. Just roll with it ;)

I mean, some of you guys have it figured out but shhhh don't tell!

These are usually longer in my notebooks. Sorry if this is crazy short :c



"No, Tori," I said with a laugh. "I'm not going skydiving anytime soon." I watched Liam as he did his math homework. Two plus two. Gosh, those were the days.

"You're pregnant, right?"

"Hoping to be, Tori."

"Skydiving's not good for babies." She said bluntly.

"No, Tori. Baby's need all that oxygen. Plus, they feel like they're falling so they come out two percent faster that way because they're already used to the feeling."


"Wait, are you serious?"

"No, silly!"

"Oh. Well. Josh says hello."

"Hi Josh!" I sang into the phone. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Niall tense up a bit. How cute.

"I'm not giving him the phone, you know. This is my time to talk to you."

"No more 'Missing you' stuff. I want to just have a good happy talk."

"You haven't discussed England with Niall yet?" Tori whispered sharply an I internally groaned.

"Hold up. Reception's bad. Gotta go upstairs." I lied, glancing at Niall before quickly heading to my room. I shut the door behind me as soon as I was in. "'Course I haven't, Tori, it's - "

"Don't you dare say the "f" word because I know it's not."

Mother Tori was back. I missed her so.

If anyone, she especially knew how many thing the word fine could hide.

"Sweetie," she started slowly. "Maybe he isn't - "

Don't say it. Please don't Tori.

" - Just as good as you think he is."

She said it. Like Aunt May said too.

"Tori," I started. "It's not like that."

"You're scared of him, aren't you?"

"No! I'm n-not, I'm - "

"I swear to God if he hit you again I will hop on a plane and make his murder look like an accident!"

"Please calm down." I said shakily. "I'm just homesick. That's all. Ireland's lovely, really and - "

"Bull. Drop the act. I'll find you three a cute little house out here."

"Tori, I mean it!" I snapped, tired of no one taking me seriously. This was my life. Everyone was trying to make my decisions for me. "I'm happy out here! And plus Liam's already so happy in school you know." I smiled as I remembered how my son told me all his new friends names and how he'd already got invited to birthday parties.

"So if it was just you and Niall, would you -"

"No. I don't miss England. Just what's in it."

Mum. Dad. Tori. Ethan. May. Josh. The boys. My best friends.

"This is home, Tori." I smiled, looking at the picture frames that held Niall and I's wedding photos and other sweet memories.

I remember just picking out the house and finally seeing it in person. I remember moving in, our paint fights, decorating, and our handprints in the driveway.

"This is home." I repeated, closing my eyes and smiling wider.

A couple weeks later, the pregnancy test read positive.

Our home would be welcoming another bundle of joy in eight little months.

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