Chapter Twenty One

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Twenty One

We had a small New Year's Party. It was just the kids, their spouses, and few grandchildren. 

Niall and I were ripe in age. There was no question about that. Growing old was something I always feared, but now that it was finally happening, I was not so afraid after all. It was a part of life. I tried to embrace the silver hairs that replaced my once gold locks.

"I guess I passed them onto you." I smiled, kissing my granddaughter's head. She was merely a tot and sound asleep before the clock hit twelve. 

"Here Mum, I'll get her off your hands." Amelia said, scooping her daughter up and out of my arms. I smiled kindly at her before looking at Niall who was in a conversation with my son and son-in-laws. Somehow in the middle of their conversation, he met my eyes. He gave me a small, warm smile. I returned it as he jumped back into his conversation.

I started to think about things as I sat on the couch, my daughter Delilah changing the channel so we could watch the New Year's special. 

I started to think of all the good things in this life. 

I started with the little things. My parents and for the short years where I got to know them.

Aunt May who had passed long before and my cousin who was nothing short of a brother to me.

Niall and the family I got to create with him. 

I was thankful for the boys. Especially the ones who still walked on the earth. 

I was thankful for Hazel and Danielle and Lacey. I was thankful for the happy ending I had been blessed with. I'd never thought I'd get married. I never thought I would have a child, let alone three. Growing up as a kid, I was terrified of having children and the pain that mothers went through just to have them. But here I was, married with kids. 

Even if I hadn't met Niall or if he didn't answer my one stupid tweet, I know I would've been okay, just in a different way. I'd probably be back in England, living a quiet life, but Niall whisked me away like a superhero and brought me here to Ireland, a beautiful country.

I guess fate worked in weird ways. In ways I couldn't explain. In ways I couldn't control. I liked the way things were. I was fortunate, blessed, lucky. I had nothing to complain about.

So I smiled as Niall tapped my shoulder and held out a hand for me. I smiled as I took his hand without even thinking. The clock counted down as I got up with his help and as soon as the fireworks went off and it was time to change our calendars, we started to dance. Nothing extreme. Small, slow steps to whatever song was playing in the background. 

It was something else I could not explain. Each year we did the same thing. Each year we danced. Each year Niall's hand was on my waist for just a little while longer as we became one again and danced around the living room. In that one second, the seconds between 12:00 and 12:01, we were suddenly young again. Our feet picked up a little faster as if we were floating on air.

It felt like our wedding night all over again. It always made me happy knowing that something never changed.

"Happy New Year, sweetheart." Niall kissed my head softly as I rested my head in the crook of his neck. 

"Happy New Year to you too." I whispered back. "I love you."

"I love you too." 

"Do you think it's going to be a good year?" 

"As long as I got you, I know it'll be wonderful."

My younger self punched a younger Niall's arm as he started to laugh, face getting all red as I mocked him. He then ran to me and scooped me up gently, planting quick kisses along my jawline and cheek, making me laugh. He tickled my sides even more just to get my face all red from laughing so hard. 

"Now we match." He said, referring to our red cheeks.

"If we lived in an alternate universe, I think I'd be you." I said, smirking a little.

"That's an interesting thought."

"I'm an interesting girl."

"That you are," He whispered, taking a step closer to me. "That you are, my love." 

His lips sneaked in another kiss and I didn't hesitate to give him what he wanted.

I don't know how long we danced. Delilah said it was cute. Liam said it seemed like eternity until we broke apart. Maybe because we were lost in memories of our own. Maybe our thoughts were connected when we rested our foreheads together. Maybe our hearts were in sync when I could hear his heartbeat over my own.

Niall, the one in reality, kissed my lips gently, declaring the start of our new year together. 

I wished I knew what the new year had in store for us.

But at the same time I knew it would all be okay, no matter how alone I felt there was always someone there to keep me company. Even if they came in a presence of a spirit. 

They'd always have a place in my heart. Each year, I lost someone. Someone dear to my heart, but each year I also gained someone; a new friend or child. It taught me to see the good in the bad, and to ignore the bad in the good.

That was a lesson I learned the hard way, but the lessons still stuck. They were valued now. 

 I wish I knew it would be the very last time I'd dance with Niall on New Year's Day because I would have hugged him tighter than I ever did before.

I really wished it didn't have to be this way. I wished I could hold him one last time before he went to rest in the earth, but at the same time I felt I didn't need too. 

He already knew I loved him and I knew he loved me. 

So I guess no words needed to be said. Our actions spoke for themselves. Our countless years together and memories were constant reminders that we could get through anything, even cheating and abuse, whether it be verbal or physical.

He never hit strike three, or maybe when he left me, that was the strike three. That had been the final blow. He was out after all. Out of this life and into another. 

The good in this bad? I asked myself before jumping to a sad conclusion.

It wouldn't be long until I met him up in the air.

* * * * * 

happy new year. may 2014 give you lots of happiness, success, and endless smiles and laughs. 

stick to your resolutions. yeah, i'm talking to you.

just kidding, i usually only complete two out of like sixty five so if you don't complete all your resolutions i'm not judging. one of my resolutions is being on wattpad more often. can i get an amen? i really need to write more. it's something i need to do everyday. 

well, happy new year. i love you all and wish you nothing but the best. because y'all deserve it. take it easy. :)

- summer xoxo


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