Chapter 51 - Experimental rat... need to say more?

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Elizabeth's P.O.V. (Surprise, surprise!)

Did I ever mention that I hate witches? Like really really hate them.They are most annoying creatures in this whole world. First of all, they are creepy. All that magic and hocus focus things, they are creepy as hell. Like how would you feel if some tiny little toddler/girl suddenly lifted a fluffy teddy bear in the air without using hands? Exactly. Cree-eepy.

They not only can creep you out, they also are unexpectedly confusing. You will never know when they read your minds, plan setting you on fire or just try to suck you dry with their magical mind powers. And hell they do that fast and painfully.Another thing why they aren't so appealing to me is their idiotic, full of themselves character. They are most full of themselves creatures I know. Just try to insult them and BAMB! You are in shit-ass pain migraine. That shit hurts!

Also no need to act like you are the Mother Nature itself. Just because they can lift things and do killer like migraine to others, doesn't mean they can mouth on others and talk all smarty. All those latin, or whatever that language is, words are frustrating and overrated. Like come on! You can do spells in English too, you know. It might as well would be more useful than that Latin shit. You wouldn't need to learn other language and I would be happy because I would know what the fridge you are trying to do to me. I would be very thankful if I knew if you trying to set me on fire or make me a doll. Please, consider this, Mother Nature, as an suggestion to you.

Now why I am mouthing about these creatures, you ask? Well let me explain from the start.I got up this morning feeling all happy and rainbows. I had all day planed ahead. I was planing to go shopping, buy some new tops and jackets then some boots. After that I planed on going to visit my dear friends. Salvatore brothers, Rosy, Elena, Blondie/Caroline and boys of course. I was planing to annoy them, maybe mess up a bit. But my plans were crushed. Literally.

As I was walking around the shop my dearest Klaus just had to interrupt my fun. He dragged me to his house and not so delightedly made me to a 'favor' for him. That's how he called it 'a favor'. Favor my ass. He ordered more than asked me.So now here I am walking in woods for almost two hours with Klaus himself and a witch of his. I was not happy at all. First, it just rained in here. So that makes this damn forest wet and muddy. Let me tell you, I don't like mud.

Next thing, there is this witch who is just as annoying as any other witch. She could be quite intimidating if she wanted. She had tanned skin, brow hair and brown eyes. She also had tattoo on her right upper arm. It was some weird faces, like stones or something. I think it has something to do with witches' world. Don't want to know, seriously. For all I know, she could be a serial witch killer or something.Back to the point.

As I said, this witch was named Sophie or something. I don't recall nor I care. We now stopped walking in the middle of the forest and surprisingly there weren't just trees. No, there stood house. More like shack. It was so old and looked like it can fall down any minute.

"We're here" Sophia said. I looked at her and then back at the house.

"That's it? Some shack?" I asked them in disbelieve. You've got to be kidding me. I made all this way just for some house what can collapse in hundred mini pieces.

"It's not a shack" Sofia hissed. Chill out, girl!

"Ladies, please. We are here to get a work done, not have a cat fight." Klaus said with that smirk of his. Can he not smirk for once?

"Why are we here?" I asked them with angry look. This is bullshit.

"I want to make an army of hybrids, but I need to get a cure to make them live forever because our little Harmony won't have blood forever" Klaus stated.

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