Chapter 12 - Let the trip begin!

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'Esto no ha terminado. Y ni siquiera es el principio, mi amor '

These words keeps repeating in my head. I can't get them out of my head. It's in Spanish means : It's not over. And it's not even the beginning, my love'. It's so weird. You not everyday find out that in London are other vampires. Most important, that they might be your enemies. Nothing good is that.
That day, when I got this message, I and Rosy tried to find person who send it. But it wasn't our lucky day, or week. We kept searching for a whole week and still nothing. It's like he/she vanished into thin. Unbelievable.
One good thing is that Rosy liked the boys. Surprisingly, she likes them very much and they spend more and more time together. More than I thought she could but I am not going to complain! Finally, Rosy opened up for somebody and started acting a little more like human. It's very good thing. She always laughing around them and I am very thankful for this to them. They made her more happier and opened. I guess they have that kind of effect on the people. Even if they are Immortals :)
But now to the main thing. Secret enemy. She or he seems very strong and old. But I am 100% sure it was male's voice. Or he/she changed voice. But I doubt it.
Today I and Rosy are going to the Florida. We need to find that with and the sooner the better. I want to end this mess fast and enjoy my new life with those 5 idiot boys, who can make anyone laugh.
I changed into jeans, plain grey top and comfortable shoes. My hair were curly and stapled at the top a bit. I had dark make up and put my black bracelet on. I grabbed my phone and bag and headed out. I locked my apartment and went to my car. I had three cars. Lamborghini, Range Rover and black Audi R8. I love cars, they like a part of my life. I picked Audi R8 today and sat in it. I turned radio on and started engine. I drove down the street to the studio. I had to take some photos from Stacy and then pick up Rosy.
Smells like teen spirit by Nirvana started playing. I love this song! I tapped my hand into the steer wheel in the beat. I started humming along. This song just so damn good. I drove to studio and parked my car right in front of the entrance. What? I don't give a fuck if this is banned zone. I stepped out of my car and looked around. I picked my stuff and went inside. Everyone were in such a rush, like always. I rolled my eyes at all overworking people and went in the lift. There stood other man, he was around 40, I guess. He had brown hair and deep eyes. He looked somehow familiar. I looked at him for a while now and he turned to me. He smiled a bit and lift ringed signaling that it was 2nd floor. Man smiled again at me and stepped out. Lift closed and I shook my head. People are so weird these times. Oh, floor 4th. I stepped out of the lift and went to the Stacy office. I knocked one time and stepped in. Stacy was sitting on her chair behind the table and looked through some papers.
"Oh, hello, Beth. Here, this is your photos." Stacy said and handed me a big envelope. I took it and thanked her. "You may go now" she said still looking at her papers. I chucked and went out. Still same old hard-working Stacy. I hope she won't overwork. I quickly went out of the building and got in my car. I put the envelope on the window case. I started engine and drove to the Rosy.
'I am near you' I send her message in my minds. I drove to her house and stopped. After few seconds Rosy came in vampire speed and sat in. She had dark pants, long shirt and brown boots.
"Hello" she said in strong British accent. I smiled at her and drove off.
"How my little barbie vampire doing?" I asked her and she sighed. She doesn't like when I call her barbie, but I like to annoy her.
"Very good if you ask." she said and I nodded. "What's this?" she asked as she picked the envelope.
"Photos, don't-" I started but she already opened the envelope. I looked at her and she did just struggled her shoulders.
"Ups?" she more asked. Yeah, like you care. Rosy took out photos and started looking through them. I kept driving and listening to the radio. Good Feeling by Flo Rida was on. Ha, funny, we are going to Florida :D
"I like this one" Rosy said and I turned my head to her. She was holding photo, where I was with white dress and had evil face.
"Of course, you like it" I said and turned my head [Like in the side picture]. She always liked when I am angry or being bitch, apparently, that reminds her my old days.
"Oh, and this one is so mysterious" she said as she held other photo of mine. This one I liked more, it was so mysterious and sexy at the same time. There were more photos but I didn't pay attention. I thought about what we will find in Florida, will that witch help us, will everything fix? Rosy put photos back in the envelope and put in back in it's place. She looked through the window and sighed.
"These things suck" she said and I gave her confused look."Cars. They are so slow and loud. But they are comfortable through" she said and I rolled my eyes. She never liked new technologies of this century, she thinks it's a waist of time.
"But they are so beautiful, and pretty" I whined and Rosy chuckled.
"You talk about car like it's some boy" she mumbled.
"But it's my love! I couldn't live without these babies!" I exclaimed and Rosy sighed.
"Whatever" she said and I shook my head. She really hates new technologies..."What's the plan?" she asked me casually.
"Ok, we will stop in next city and leave there car. From there we will ran to that witch. We need to find her and finds out every detail about that weapon" I said and Rosy nodded.
"Good plan. But we will need to eat, cause I am hungry as heck" Rosy stated and put her legs on the window. It was opened, so she could easily put them there.
"When you weren't?" I mumbled and chuckled. It was true, she is ALWAYS hungry. Speaking of the food, I wouldn't mind a little bite now too.



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