~Too Serious :

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•Chapter 6.

Tinashe gasped when RJ walked in the kitchen. His clothes were covered with a bit of blood here and there and his face expression let her know that he was pissed off. 

"What happened to you ? And is it your blood ? " She questioned staring him up and down. She really wanted to know what had happened to her son for him to be in this state. One minute later, the little ones and Yani walked in. 

"Mummy, RJ sent someone to the hospital." The twins informed her in unison. They were still shocked to have witnessed the fight their older brother had with this other guy they didn't know. 

Tina frowned, "What ?! RJ, you better explain ! "

Her son sighed sitting down, "That's all this idiot deserved ! " Trevor really irritated him when they were at McDonald's earlier. He was calling Yani his girl and was saying others disrespectful little remarks, that RJ was not appreciating. At all. He wasn't liking how the school player was talking and looking at his best friend, so that quickly escalated and soon the two boys were fighting in the restaurant. RJ let his anger express itself out and damaged Trevor's face. 

"No, Richard ! You didn't have to do this ! " Yani said narrowing her eyes at him. She still couldn't believe what she had seen, "You could act otherwise. Be more mature ! " She groaned frustrated, "I'm going before to beat your ass. Bye, Mrs.Willkingston. Bye little cuties." She waved to Tinashe and the little siblings and then left.

"Kids go upstairs. I need to talk with your brother." Tina said and they obeyed. She shook her head sighing and sat across from her son, "Why did you do that for ? "

He mentally rolled his eyes, "I don't want to talk about it, mum."  

"Yeah, but I want to ! You sent someone to the hospital ! Are you crazy ? "

No, he wasn't. He wasn't that stupid and didn't want to have too much trouble by fighting. He could still manage his anger, "Please ! Mum, Su and Suzanne are always exaggerating things. When we left, he was just on the ground yelling for help because maybe I broke his nose, but he didn't go to the hospital. He'll just wake up tomorrow with bruises all over his face. It will be hard for him to flirt now, or maybe no. Girls love boys with bruises." 

Tina couldn't help but chuckle, "I will never understand that type of girls. Anyways, if you can stop being in trouble and focus more on school and your near future, it will be great. I want you to do some effort." 

They were really annoying him with that. It seemed like it was their only subjects of conversation now. School, the future, finding a job, the college. It was not like before anymore. It felt forever since the last time RJ shared a laugh with his parents and he was missing it, "I know. Uh...I have a job now. I'll work in Yani's godmother's store every weekend." 

His mother clasped her hands happily, "Oh yes ! I'm so proud of you ! " 

RJ put a fake smile on his face, "Yeah...that's cool. Uh...can I go to my room now ? "

"Yes and make sure to change your clothes before dinner." 


{ Later That Night }

"Richard, stop." 

"What ? "

"You're trying to start something, you definitely won't finish. Leave me alone and sleep. We have to wake up early tomorrow."

"C'mon, T." He whined and then attempted to slide his hand in his wife's panties, but his hand got immediately slapped away. She was getting on his last nerves. It'd been one entire month since the last time they had shared a lovely and passionate moment together now. After the birth of their last one, they promised each other to spend more couple time together, but it wasn't always easy to keep that promise. 

"Richard, leave me alone ! I'm tired." 

"T, I'm horny."

"Well you better handle that by your own, because I won't do it. Now, let me sleep or I will smack the shit out of you."

Suddenly his personal phone rang. It was almost midnight, so who would call him at this time of the night ? He frowned picking up his iPhone and answered without looking at the caller ID. It was a mistake, because then he heard a voice he didn't need to hear. He cussed out wiping his face in frustration. 

"Hey, baby. I feel really alone here by myself, why don't you come and join me in my bed ? We will do anything you want. I wi-"

"The fuck ?! Who gave you my number in the first place ? Why can't you leave me the fuck alone ?! " He asked getting angry more and more. Tina looked at her husband like he had just grew a second head.

"C'mon, I know you want me." She insisted with her seductive voice, but it wasn't doing the effect she wanted on him. 

"Jessie, forget me ! " And with that said, he hung up on her face. 

"Jessie, huh ? " He turned his head to be faced with an angry Tinashe. 

"I don't know why she has called. I didn't even know that she had my number. I told her multiple times to leave me alone, but she's not hearing me."

"I told you to deal with that, Richard ! What I look like now ? " She sighed finger combing her hair, "Like I already told you, I trust you. I know you're not and will never cheat on me, but...If that bitch don't stop and try something, I will murder her ass and I know how not to go to jail before a very long time. I know people. Matter fact, I should call someone to kill her so I'll have to worry about nothing then."

Richard smirked and kissed her cheek, "You know you're turned me on right now. I love when you get mad." 

"Boy bye." She laid back and turned the lamp on her nightstand off, causing Richard to start singing Don't Be Cruel from Bobby Brown only to bother her since she was giving none.

Ah the marriage life !

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A/N: I know it's short, so I'll try to write a longer chapter next time. I would like to know what you think about the story until now :D 

Thanks for reading guys ! 

Ciss¥ItsM€ 💋✌

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