~What's Going On ? :

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•Chapter 9.

"I'm sorry for yesterday. I hope you didn't get in too much trouble. If I knew that your dad was about to walk in, I would've thought twice before to come to your house." RJ apologized as he was driving them to school. Today, he hadn't had to drop his little siblings, so he decided to be Yani's chauffeur instead. He was beyond happy when she accepted. They were back as best friends and that's all he wanted. Well for now. 

She chuckled, "You should've thought about it before to come actually. The expression that you had on your face though. It was so funny, I wish I took a picture." She laughed shaking her head. 

He rolled his eyes, "Glad it's making you laugh. Anyways, what are you doing today after school ? " He asked stopping at a red light.

She raised her eyebrow looking at him like he had lost his mind, "It's Friday." 

"I know, that's why I'm asking if you're free after school, so we can do something." 

She shook her head, "I can't believe you. We have work today. Remember ? "

He smacked his lips, "Shit ! I totally forgot about this. Well, do you need a ride there ? And how long are we supposed to work ? "

She shoot him a 'nigga' look, "Are you kidding me right now ? RJ, I need you to take it seriously. I sent you an email with all the info, did you even open it ? "

He shrugged and pulled his phone out of his pocket, but before he could even unlock the screen, it was snatched away from him, "Hey ! What the hell, Yani ?! "

She smacked her lips, "You're driving and I'm not trying to die today. Let me look at it for you." 

He sighed as the light changed from red to green, "Okay. But actually, I'm sure I had never seen this email, because I think it doesn't even exist. When did you send me it ? "

She was looking through his mails and effectively couldn't find it, "Shit ! I'm sure I sent it though. Sorry." 

He chuckled, "Don't worry, nobody is perfect. Whatever, how long are we gonna work there ? " He asked again and taking his phone back, that he shoved back in his pocket. 

"From 4:15 to 8:30 p.m and we have a twenty minutes break at 6 p.m." She finally answered. 

"8: 30 p.m ?! And what about tomorrow ? "

"From 8:45 in the morning to 8 p.m. We'll have a break for lunch and another one at 6 p.m also. And don't worry, time passes by so fast. And as I already told you the costumers are very nice and my godmother is not one of these annoying bosses, she's really cool. You'll see, it's gonna be a good experience for you. Aaaand, you'll work with me." She said smiling.

He beamed looking at her real quick before to focus back on the road, "You're right. And thanks again for the job. Whatever you'll need in the future, I got you." 

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