II • Masked

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Edmund wouldn't leave me alone as I got ready for the masquerade. He even insisted on coming in the carriage with me. I always thought a carriage was unnecessary when I could just get on a horse. I could even walk there since it was so close, but I followed the rules for courtesy purposes.

"And you politely wave." Edmund reminded me.

I rolled my eyes as I got my boots on to get ready to exit the carriage. "I've been outside before."

"You're wearing boots." He deadpanned. "Where are your heels? You should have your heels."

I shrugged and hid my smirk as I hid my leg from his view to put a knife into my boot, just in case. It wasn't like anyone was going to find it. "I like my boots more."

Edmund noticed the second knife that I planned to just wear normally to see how the guards would react. "Lady Aletheia, you can't bring a weapon to a ball."

  "I'll get rid of it if they tell me to get rid of it." I strapped the small scabbard that I usually wore to my arm and could feel Edmund's eyes burning into me.

  "You are making yourself look less and less like a queen should, my Lady." He scolded me.

  I snickered. "Thanks."

  "That is not a compliment, Aletheia." He had a deep frown on his face.

  I just found it amusing and began to let myself out of the carriage rather than let the driver help me. I found that unnecessary. I smiled at the driver. "Thank you, sir."

  "You're welcome, my Lady." He was clearly happier from my acknowledging him.

  I saw Edmund scowling at me before addressing the driver. "Wait here for a moment. I want to see to it that the Lady gets in safely."

  I rolled my eyes at him and closed the carriage door before making my way up the steps of the castle with my invitation in hand. I was met by a guard who stopped me as expected.

  He gestured towards the scabbard on my arm. "No weapons, ma'am."

  I looked at my arm before looking back at him. "Well, you've got a sword."

  "I'm a guard. I need to have a sword." He was thoroughly unimpressed. "You won't be needing a knife."

  I took the knife from it's place and saw the guard reach for his sword. I threw the knife back at the carriage and hit right where I was aiming, under where Edmund was spying on me. I turned back to the guard and offered him the scabbard. "Happy?"

  I could hear snickering from a guard behind me whilst this guard took my scabbard from me and tried to remain professional. "Your invitation, ma'am?"

  I held the paper out to him and he took it from my hands.

  "Lady Aletheia." He read from the invitation.

  "Aly." I corrected him quickly.

  "Of... Gione." His face paled and I heard the snickering behind me stop.

  "That's me. Nice to make your acquaintance." I tried to not let their reaction bother me.

  "You can go in, Lady Aletheia." He stepped slightly out of the way and didn't have the same confidence as before.

  "Thank you." I stepped past him and entered the castle. It was only a short walk down a hallway until I was met with a Grand Hall that was bustling with activity. Apparently, I was late.

  The band was playing elegant music as couples danced across the room and i wasn't too sure where to go. I made my way down the stairs in front of me and tried to find somewhere I could hide for the duration of the event away from people. I couldn't recognize if I knew anyone, obviously, but luckily this meant they wouldn't be able to recognize me either.

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