IV • Show Pony

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I tried to stand still as Fiona fit the light blue gown to my body. The golden vines stitched into it were made to match the flag of Gione. It was a gorgeous dress. Fiona did amazing with it. I just felt uncomfortable with the whole situation.

  Charity was chatting up a storm with Georgiana, who had designed the purple gown that she was wearing. Edmund was going over the plans for the coronation from flowers to music. I, on the other hand, was staring out the window, praying that we'd be finished before dusk.

  Edmund began listing people on the guest list and I was snapped out of my trance. "Oh, Eddy, make sure you put the king of SMP on there."

  Edmund looked up at me in surprise. "Are you sure, my Lady?"

  I nodded. "Of course. I was invited to his masquerade. It's common courtesy."

  He eyed me warily. "This isn't the same sort of event."

  "Oh, just invite the guy, Eddy." Charity giggled and looked over at me. She was the only person that I had told about the nights in the forest with Dream. She insisted on staying updated.

  "Oh, you should extend the invitation to his family as well. He has a sister, Princess Drista, and a cousin, Duke George." I added on. I knew that at least George knew of me. He and Sapnap had been told about our nights together.

  "Someone did her research." Fiona chuckled.

  I just nodded in agreement. "I thought that I should know who's in power within their kingdom since they're the only ones who have invited us to any event since the passing of my father."

  Edmund looked slightly impressed with me. "I'll get their invitations to them within two days. Look at you, you're really embracing your title, Lady Aletheia."

  I smiled sheepishly at him. I guess false praise was better than none at all. I would've shrugged if I wasn't so afraid to mess Fiona up.


I trotted up to the river bank with Ginger. I wasn't able to get there the day before because of the fitting, but I was able to escape today. I found that Dream was there first. He usually was.

He turned at the sound of Ginger's trotting and smiled at me. "Hey! You missed yesterday."

I nodded. "Yeah. Sorry about that. I-"

Dream cut me off. "You had the fitting. I know. Don't worry about it."

I offered him a grateful smile that was hidden by my mask while I tied Ginger's reigns around the branch and gave her a carrot.

He smiled once I walked over to him. "You know, I received an invitation today."

I smiled right back and acted dumb. "Oh, really? What was it to?"

"Oh the coronation of some pretty Lady I met at the Masquerade that I held." He teased me and sat down by the bank.

I felt heat rise to my cheeks and sat down next to him. "Do you think you're gonna accept her invite?"

"Of course I am." He chuckled and leaned back onto the grass. "You know, she invited Drista and George too, which was very sweet of her. Sapnap won't stop bugging me to take him as my guard that day so that he can meet her."

I laughed. "Wait, actually?"

He nodded with a grin plastered on his face. "You know, he's met her once before briefly. He returned her scabbard after she threw a knife at her own carriage."

My eyes widened. "Wait, that was him?"

Dream chuckled and broke from the joke that he had been making. "Yeah. He was the one that told me about that stunt you pulled after one of my guards, Punz, reported it to him. I saw your scabbard before I saw you."

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