XIX • Dream's View

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T/W: Violence

  It was a cold night when my father died.  We had celebrated Drista's birthday the day before and she had invited a few of her friends to the castle, including Tommy, to celebrate. Phil was busy with something and Wilbur was out of town, so Techno insisted on accompanying Tommy, who he felt was too young to travel alone. George was frustrated when he found out that Wilbur couldn't make it, but I was excited to finally see Techno again.

  The last time I had seen him was before he had run away. It was before he became a cursed one. I was in awe when I first saw Techno walking towards the doors with Tommy at his side. Even his eyes were different. He and Wilbur used to look nearly identical, but now they couldn't look more different.

  Techno bowed when he saw my father. "Thank you for having us, Your Majesty."

  My father completely ignored his greeting and went to greet the smaller boy beside him, who was far too rambunctious even then to give a formal greeting.

  I smiled at Techno. "Long time no see."

  He gave me a look of relief and smiled back, trying and failing to conceal the elongated canines peaking over his bottom lip. "It's good to see you, Dream."

  Everything went fine with Drista's party, except for my father's clear distaste towards Techno. He would try his best to keep him away from both Drista and George. I'm sure he tried to do the same with me, but I felt bad and continued to spend more time with him instead.

  The castle was completely dark when I heard footsteps on the floor above me. I assumed it was my father at first and didn't stir, but when I heard a loud thump above my head, I couldn't keep still. I rushed out of my bed and up the closest stairwell to my father's room.

  I pushed the doors open and froze at the sight in front of me. Techno was stood with his hands still held on the dagger that was sticking out of my father's chest. He was still alive, but he wouldn't be for long.

  Techno turned to look at the doors that I had flung open with wide eyes. "Dream... I can explain."

  "What the hell is there to explain?" I could feel my chest heaving as I brought myself towards my father's body. He was struggling to breath as he began coughing up blood. I didn't know what to do. I grabbed the sword that I knew my father kept by his bed and pointed the blade at Techno. "You'll pay with your life."

  Unfortunately, Techno still had a sword at his side. He wasn't only armed with the dagger. He blocked my first sloppy attack. "Dream, I don't want to hurt you. I had to do this."

  I didn't even respond as I lunged at him again.

  "Just let me go. I don't want to hurt you." He repeated and calmly blocked my attack, landing a small blow to my arm in an attempt to get me to drop my weapon.

  I ignored the blood that began to stain my sleeve. "You really think I'm going to let you go, Techno?" I yelled at him. My eyes were welling up with tears and my pure rage made my advances nearly pointless. I still managed to mark his face, just under his eye and through a scar going across his cheek.

  He was only distracted by it for a second. "No. I know you won't. I'm sorry about this." Techno pushed me back with my own sword before slashing upwards at my face.

  I cried out in pain and dropped my sword as he kicked me square in the chest, knocking me to the ground. I couldn't open my eyes as I sat defeated on the floor, knowing that I couldn't even grab my sword in fear of grabbing the blade. I felt as though all of my breath had been forcibly taken from my lungs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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