VII • Old Friend

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  The lecture that I had gotten upon arriving back at the castle soaking wet in the middle of the night could have made me cower in fear. That would be if I actually cared about what Edmund had to say about me. I felt bad for leaving the banquet, sure, but I didn't regret searching for Ginger, even if I came back with nothing but a ruined dress and a dumb comment about tusks to keep me up at night.

  I didn't sleep at all despite how exhausted I was. My brain was being tossed around by the many problems that continued to stack up for me. Not only was my dagger missing, but now Ginger was too. I felt as though I was slowly losing every piece of myself. Now I was permanently shackled by a crown until I died or had a proper reason to give the crown to Charity. I watched from my bed as the sun rose outside my window.

  I pulled myself out of my bed and started to get dressed. I just needed a distraction. I had to find a way to waste the day and avoid everyone, so I went back to the shooting range with my bow.

I had taken a couple shots at the targets in front of me with varying success. I was still out of it. What the boy in the woods had said was still sticking with me. There was only one person I knew that came out of Gione with tusks and that was Techno.

It could've easily just been a sick joke about the curse of Gione, but that didn't stop my mind from wandering. The boy could've been calling me a pig, but he could've also been referencing the only person he might've known from Gione, who had the features of a pig. I'd heard nothing about Techno since he had left, but this might've been my first lead.

I'd had plenty of time to analyze every word said by the two people in the woods whilst I stayed awake in my bed. I was now convinced that the horse accompanying them was Bentley. They had spoken about getting back before someone else did and then they mentioned Sapnap. I assumed that Sapnap had lent Bentley to them and they had to return him to the stables before Sapnap returned from my coronation.

  Guilt weighed heavy on my shoulders for completely abandoning them at the banquet. I could only hope that they understood. I knew that no one else would, though. I had tarnished my reputation on my first day as queen by running out after a horse instead of being a good host. Edmund had gladly told everyone his own version of what had happened in the hallway to every one of the guests. They didn't know my perspective and I assumed they never would.

  I'd apologize to Dream and tell him to extend that apology to Sapnap, Drista, and George, but I didn't know if that would be enough. If George was as much like Charity as he seemed to be, I could assume that he'd never excuse such behavior. Charity didn't and she knew how much Ginger meant to me. I'd lost the only other player on my team when I left the banquet. I left Charity.

  I wanted to go apologize to her right now, but I knew she'd need some time. Being myself was no longer an option.

  I let another arrow fly in my frustration and hit a bullseye. I sighed as I got another arrow from my quiver. I wasn't meant for this life and I knew that, but I didn't have a choice. My fate was sealed the moment that crown was set on my head yesterday.

  I thought back to the comments that the noblemen had made about me and I let my arrow fly. Bullseye.

  I took another arrow and thought about the way that Dream's family looked at Fundy. The way that they would look at me. Bullseye.

  I once again took an arrow and let my frustrations control me as I thought about the bastard that stole my dagger.


  I turned my loaded bow in the direction of the voice.

  "Don't shoot!" Fundy put his hands up in surrender.

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