6. scream

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as i ran to the book store i previously went to that day, my heart sank when i didn't catch the sight of the boy who previously gave me those precious books.

still, the fact that he didn't have an alibi i knew of doesn't mean he didn't have one at all. i rushed over to the counter where a tall, blonde man stood, with ash barely catching up with me. i saw him. i saw him talk to that guy. the guy from the coffee shop, i saw him talk to this blonde man. dear heaven my mind was a mess.

"hi, i wanted to know if the boy that sold me that book today is here or not. i don't know his name but-" his worried glance made me stop in my tracks. first of all, i was a panting mess that was running around in my pjs. second, he probably doesn't even remember me. who knows how many customers they have a day here.

"you mean,, aster? he left-" the man paused for a few seconds, glancing to his left which was out of my eyesight reach so i couldn't see who or what he was looking at.

"he actually left a few minutes ago, walked out like 2 minutes before you guys entered. if you need something i can inform him to contact you as soon as he's back." i looked back at ash proudly, knowing i did my job well. she looked at me puzzled.

as soon as we turned around the man picked up a phone and started calling someone. dear lord, hope he doesn't call the police on us and say 2 random freaks entered his shop. we definitely don't look normal, that i can say for sure

— — —

my eyes fluttered open as i realized we're already home. i didn't think i would take a nap in the car but since ash still stood by her opinion and i knew i couldn't convince her otherwise, at least because of my lack of actual proper proof and at most because this was ash- a stubborn child, there wasn't much to talk about and i seemed to have accidentally passed out during the car ride home.

we both got out of the car and ash said she'd stay behind and told me she had to fix her car radio, telling me to go inside, which i did without hesitation.

well, at least we added some spice to this evening i guess, thi-

my rambling thoughts were cut off by a short scream coming from outside. as i ran up to the door i heard heavy, fast footsteps pacing away down the corner of my street. i caught a glimpse of a silhouette running away and my heart raced as i pulled the handle of the door to face a terrified ash.

i paused for a moment, taking in the frightened look on her face, unsure of what to do or say. "ash?" i mumbled under my breath, watching out for a reaction. her eyes stayed glued to the corner of the street.

"ash?" i repeated a bit louder, making sure shes hear me. her gaze diverted to me, relaxing her face a bit and walking confidently into the house.

"what happened. did you see a ghost? cause you sure look like it." i say, slamming the door shut and locking it behind me.

"no, no. i just nearly tripped and uh,, well just this guy caught me and helped me up and all so yeah i'm off to sleep, i'm exhausted. can i stay at yours tonight?" she asked, looking around the room and checking all the windows.

she's lying right through her teeth. i don't know what this is but i guess i'll learn when the time comes. "sure" i shoot her a quick glance which she avoids, turning away to go to the guest bedroom.

my lord is this woman strange.


sorry this one was boring, but it's a filler cause i've some great ideas and i can't wait to share them with you!

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